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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jan 1, 2021
Probably the moderators and the staff of this forum don't really get enough praise or hear that they're doing a great job, but based on my experiences the staff has been pretty fair, even though I've been banned once when there was a trolling going on "Alternatives to iOS"

The thing is that I think the staff has been pretty fair towards everyone and some of the members have been punished for their behaviour for trolling, which is surprising.
Most of the trolling happens on "Alternatives to Android" or "Alternatives to Mac", where people always say that iOS is better, iPhone is the best, Macs are the best on Android or PC forums. There was one member who often kept posting that iPhones are better than any Android phones and I was quite surprised when he was punished.

I admit my behaviour hasn't been the best and that's because of my experiences with Apple devices, such as iPhone shutting down at 60% and Mac's kernel panics out of the blue when I am literally doing nothing or even reinstalling the OS for 4 times to create an account (My Mac got stuck at "Creating an account" during the setup and I've never had such issues with Android or Windows for example and it might be wrong place to claim that PCs are better or M1 Macs aren't as good as people say they are etc…

Anyways, I wanted to thank the moderators and the staff, whoever runs this forum for the great and fair job of treating everyone equally. I see a lot of people complaining about the staff, so just thought to say what I think about the staff so far. I'm not particularly an old member, so I have a lot to experience, but so far I'm pretty impressed.
Probably the moderators and the staff of this forum don't really get enough praise or hear that they're doing a great job, but based on my experiences the staff has been pretty fair, even though I've been banned once when there was a trolling going on "Alternatives to iOS"

The thing is that I think the staff has been pretty fair towards everyone and some of the members have been punished for their behaviour for trolling, which is surprising.
Most of the trolling happens on "Alternatives to Android" or "Alternatives to Mac", where people always say that iOS is better, iPhone is the best, Macs are the best on Android or PC forums. There was one member who often kept posting that iPhones are better than any Android phones and I was quite surprised when he was punished.

I admit my behaviour hasn't been the best and that's because of my experiences with Apple devices, such as iPhone shutting down at 60% and Mac's kernel panics out of the blue when I am literally doing nothing or even reinstalling the OS for 4 times to create an account (My Mac got stuck at "Creating an account" during the setup and I've never had such issues with Android or Windows for example and it might be wrong place to claim that PCs are better or M1 Macs aren't as good as people say they are etc…

Anyways, I wanted to thank the moderators and the staff, whoever runs this forum for the great and fair job of treating everyone equally. I see a lot of people complaining about the staff, so just thought to say what I think about the staff so far. I'm not particularly an old member, so I have a lot to experience, but so far I'm pretty impressed.
Maybe you should make your case in this thread.
Maybe you should make your case in this thread.
My takeaway is this is to counterbalance some of the criticism that has been leveled at the staff recently, not only about policy and diversity, but about political affiliations. The staff monitors these threads, so even if there is no response, they are read and noticed.
Thank you for the kind words.

There was one member who often kept posting that iPhones are better than any Android phones and I was quite surprised when he was punished.

Not sure the exact thread you are talking about here, but we would not moderate a member for expressing this opinion in a relevant thread. It may be the person was moderated for some other issue like perhaps posting an insult. The problem is when someone is moderated like that, their post is usually removed, so everybody is left wondering what happened.
Thank you for the kind words.

Not sure the exact thread you are talking about here, but we would not moderate a member for expressing this opinion in a relevant thread. It may be the person was moderated for some other issue like perhaps posting an insult. The problem is when someone is moderated like that, their post is usually removed, so everybody is left wondering what happened.
Maybe you were moderating "Best alternative to iPhone?", at one point many people participating in this thread were suspended. Including me. There was a guy that pissed me off and he kept trolling. After he came back he stopped trolling on this thread and many people mention him all the time :)
Maybe you were moderating "Best alternative to iPhone?", at one point many people participating in this thread were suspended. Including me. There was a guy that pissed me off and he kept trolling. After he came back he stopped trolling on this thread and many people mention him all the time :)
We don't like to use these threads to call out specific members, but general discussion of policy is fine. There are quite a few threads along the lines of "Mac vs. PC" or "Is the iPhone Better than Android" and the mods as a group tend to see negative comments about either platform in threads like that as reasonable opinions to post and we leave it alone. Now if you had a case of someone repeatedly crashing into iPhone news threads just to trash the iPhone and promote Android, depending on context and member history, that might be viewed as trolling.

We don't want to setup a situation where members are not allowed to ever criticize Apple products for fear of being accused of trolling.
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Is Macrumors the ‘best’ tech forum available for resources regarding Apple and other news? I’d say yes, and there’s a few other sites that are close runner-up’s that I frequent.

But besides that, I think the thing that I like about MacRumors the most, is actually how regimented it is with the moderation. The problem I find with other sites with general discussion, they’re poorly moderated and/or the so called moderators actually contribute to the chaos, therefore you have those who are rampant trolls, people who consistently use name-calling or can’t be constructive with discussion, because they act like juveniles, and they get away with that, because there’s very little moderation that just isn’t effective.

I was on a Camaro forum recently, and I can’t tell you how bad the trolling was, almost to the point where it’s not even manageable to read through various threads. So that’s what I like about Macrumors, it is strict, but it makes it tolerable to have filters in place with the moderation to phase out members who can’t follow rules or be cordial to others. For the record, I think Macrumors give plenty of members opportunity to understand the rules that they acknowledged to follow when they signed up, and correct said mistakes, but for those who can’t, then maybe they should consider Macrumors isn’t for them.

Either way, I’ve been a member of almost 5 years, I’ve really grown to appreciate this site, there is a plethora of great information in both the community forum and tech venue, and for the majority of members, they are cordial people, and it’s not an issue with the moderation for them. For those who have an issue with moderation, they can’t process that they tend to be the problem in itself.

Nobody’s perfect, not even in moderation, but I definitely appreciate the moderators, especially the ones who I’ve gotten to know over the years like Weaselboy, Maflynn and Ollyw. So in order for this to be the ‘best site’, they make that possible. So thank you to them and the admins.
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