Many times we have stated that Mac Fan Control is THE App to use to control your fans.
Others have often stated problems with other Apps, so why this 'need' to report an App that doesn't even offer support!
No, MacsFanControl is not everything. This software is a little bit more powerful and safer than MacsFanControl in some area.
1) This software can set a min fan speed AND still automatically spin up when necessary, MacsFanControl cannot. MacsFanControl can only either set a fixed fan speed (as the min fan speed) OR automatically controlled by the min / max temperature, but not both at the same time.
Therefore, if anyone like me want a lower idle temperature and automatically fan control, MacsFanControl doesn't work.
2) MacsFanControl set the fan speed by altering the "target fan speed", which will override everything, the system has no way to spin up the fan anymore if the CPU is too hot. Therefore, if the user set a wrong fan profile, it can cause overheat.
This apps control the fan speed by altering the "minimum fan speed", therefore, if the user set a wrong fan profile, and the CPU is approaching overheat, the system can take over by setting a higher "target RPM", which means this app is fail safe, but MacsFanControl is not.
I only use the MacsFanControl to control my PCIe and PSU fan, because I need it to override the wrong "min fan speed" which is well known bug in the 4,1 (high PCIe / PSU fan speed after boot, until the GPU is stressed). Iit's so powerful that even the system bug cannot set a higher fan speed if MacsFanControl command a lower RRM.
3) This is an open source software. I can give it more functions. e.g. I make it monitor both the CPU and north bridge temperature, and the fan will spin up either of them reach the min temperature threshold. MacsFanControl cannot, it can only spin up the fan base on a single parameter.