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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

A few times a year, MacRumors partners with MacUpdate to promote their Mac application bundle deal. Their latest bundle delivers up to 10 Mac applications for $49.99 (a $621.65 value if all purchased separately) including:

- HookUp ($20.00) - access, stream and download iTunes libraries in remote networks.
- Alarm Clock Pro ($19.95) - programmable "alarm clock" that can trigger SMS, email, audio, video, and more
- Periscope ($39.95) - use your iSight to monitor a room for motion, send images remotely
- Devon Agent ($49.95) - improve search results
- Mellel ($49.00)- word processor aimed at writers, scholars, technical writing and multilingual word processing.
- Norrkross Movie ($59.00) - edit video in multiple layered tracks, use a green screen
- Bookends ($99.00) - bibliography/reference and information management system
- MacJournal ($34.95) - create a personal journal to record your thoughts and ideas
- Contactizer Pro ($119.90) - contact management system
- LightZone ($129.95) - photo editing software with "smart" visual edits, batch functionality

This bundle sale is almost over and expires on Wednesday night (September 10th) Friday night (September 12th). All applications have been "unlocked" so all purchasers of the bundle will receive all 10 applications for the $49.99 price.

MacRumors is a promotional partner with MacUpdate. Bundle sales through these links benefit MacRumors financially, and provide a way for readers to directly support this site.

Update: Due to technical difficulties, the sale has been extended 48 hours.

Article Link: MacUpdate's Mac App Bundle: Stream iTunes, Edit Video, Photos, More [Extended]
complete mac newb here, guessing these programs are a waste of time?

Not at all. DevonAgent is a terrific search tool, MacJournal is a great Journaling/blogging app, Contactizer Pro is a very nice contact management system app, Mellel is considered on the best word processors for mac...

Really, it's a matter of whether or not you need apps like these for whatever you do with your computer. I bought this, and DevonAgent and MacJournal alone were worth it. Finding I really like Contactizer as well.
wow...I bought Bookends last year for $100. Terrific reference manager (particularly for medical sciences).

Feel so angry now :mad::eek:
If you have a digital camera, Lightzone (alone) for $50 is a good deal--even if you already have Photoshop. It's a wonderful application. The rest of the pkg. looks alright, too, especially Mellel.
I think I'll be getting this bundle.:)
The Bundle is worth the $$$

I bought early on in the offer, so I just got the news that the last app has been unlocked - woohoo.

I have tested these apps and already see use for five of them.

Devon Agent - all I can say is wow.
Alarm Clock Pro

For 49 dollars...really no complaints if I liked only two. As with everything not every app will be useful to all, but I only buy them to get two or three apps with the bonus of owning a license for trying all the others. I usually end up really liking 75% of the bundle. So's well worth the cash.

Lame. Advertisements like this should be put off to the side and marked as such (ala Google).
I think it's worth the price just for Bookends -- and if Mellel integrates with it as well as people say, that just doubled the value for me.
I have purchased MacUpdates' Apps before but this one I've passed on, there seriously isn't anything that useful or worth getting...

If they added Pixelmator or something else useful I might have considered.
Lame. Advertisements like this should be put off to the side and marked as such (ala Google).

Admittedly, the selection of apps this time around is not exactly amazing, but I am sure that some people out there might benefit from a couple of them.

These sales benefit macrumors and thus they are sponsoring this site. If you like macrumors then I would recommend you refrain from "bashing" it. People are often quick to forget that one is business to make money, always. Macrumors, in my opinion, is very respectful and honest to their users with respect to advertizing and am quite pleased with that.

But, as I stated just before, the list seems to be somewhat uninteresting. But then again, thats purely my opinion and nothing more.
This looks like a seriously good bundle to me. Mellel is very highly regarded and is normally $49 alone. The rest must be worth $0.99 don't you think?
I also purchased on day one. The gold in this bundle for me turns out to be an app I'd never heard of. HookUp.

Remember the old OurTunes app. It was big in Campus and Colleges and allowed you to download from local itunes shares. Apple made changes to iTunes which stopped OurTunes from working. HookUp gives us this feature again so that wherever you can see local iTunes shares you can download from them.

However that's just the start. HookUp also allows you to connect not only to remote iTunes libraries but entire networks of iTunes shares. So if you were on a campus where there were 30 shares visible on the local network and you install HookUp on one computer within that network. Then from anywhere else on the internet you can connect to that HookUp app and play and download from all 30 of those iTunes shares in that entire network.

Lightzone looks cool, Contactizer looks good although I still have not received my code but every other app in the bundle is a replacement for another app but HookUp seems to be the silent winner in terms of a unique app with no alternate apps which offer that functionality.

BTW: HookUp is free from and the promo gives you a plugin which lets you download from these remote or local shares.

PM me if you want to connect to my HookUp
you know it takes 2 seconds to pass on an article that you don't care for. we get news, ideas, and regular updates. I'd much prefer this to macslash (very sad what happened to that site). anyway, the only one I was interested in was Light Zone. LightZone seems worth it for me for the 100 times in a year I may need a cool effect from an otherwise seemingly wasted shot (outside the window of a plane for example of terrain). Looks like I will be getting this one just for at least that app. Also on another note, where if not here are smaller developers ever able to showcase cool mac apps, after all they all don't have adobe's budget. oh and thx arn :)

/end soapbox
That is pretty good value - I guess you only need to find two or three apps to be useful for you to make this a really good deal. I'm going to look into the apps a bit more. Appreciate the heads-up!

you know it takes 2 seconds to pass on an article that you don't care for.

qft :)
The idea that any of these products manage to sell at all, let alone for two to twenty times their value, astounds. Most of them would be meager successes as freeware.
Tried 3 times to buy it. MacUpdate would not work (said it could not create an account twice, and just hung the third time). What a POS site that is. Use something else please.
Tried 3 times to buy it. MacUpdate would not work (said it could not create an account twice, and just hung the third time). What a POS site that is. Use something else please.

Yeah, I tried Firefox and Safari twice a piece and just gave up.

If they want to make it that difficult, they clearly don't want my money.
Just have to say that Norrkross Movie is a great little app. It does everything that iMovie ought to do.
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