The latest Black Friday deal has gone live today, and this time it's for the Apple Watch Series 1, which debuted alongside the Series 2 in September 2016. The Series 1 models lack the advancements of 2017's Series 3 -- like LTE and a faster processor -- but the older Apple Watch is still a reliable device, and now with a cheaper entry price over at Macy's, it makes for a great holiday gift.
The retailer has the Apple Watch Series 1 discounted by $70 beginning today, with 38mm models running for $179.00 and 42mm models priced at $209.00. In terms of overall Black Friday deals, we know that Target will match this $70 off Series 1 deal beginning tomorrow when sales there go live. So if you're looking to get some shopping done a little early, Macy's offer is the first notable Apple Watch Series 1 deal happening this holiday season.
Here's every Apple Watch Series 1 device available in Macy's sale:
[*]38mm Silver Aluminum Case with White Sport Band - $179.00, down from $249.00
[*]38mm Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Sport Band - $179.00, down from $249.00
[*]38mm Gold Aluminum Case with Midnight Blue Sport Band - $179.00, down from $249.00
[*]42mm Space Gray Aluminum Case with Black Sport Band - $209.00, down from $279.00
[*]42mm Silver Aluminum Case with White Sport Band - $209.00, down from $279.00
[*]42mm Rose Gold Aluminum Case with Pink Sand Sport Band - $209.00, down from $279.00
[*]42mm Gold Aluminum Case with Midnight Blue Sport Band - $209.00, down from $279.00
As a point of comparison, the new non-LTE Apple Watch Series 3 models are priced at $329 (38mm) and $359 (42mm). Sales on Series 2 models have been appearing frequently throughout the fall, with the most recent dropping 38mm cases to $229 and 42mmm cases to $259. Until Black Friday sales, no notable deals had yet to arrive for the Series 1 devices following the launch of Series 3 in September.
If you purchase the Series 1, be aware that in comparison to higher-cost versions it has a slower S1P processor, lower water resistance (so it is not suitable for swimming), a display that doesn't get as bright, slightly lower battery life, and no LTE or GPS support. Otherwise, you'll be able to access all of the expected Apple Watch features like activity tracking, notification and phone call support with a connected iPhone, and more.
Also of note is an Apple Music deal going on at LivingSocial, where you can get a four month subscription to Apple's streaming music service for free. This deal essentially adds one extra month (priced at $9.99/month) onto Apple Music's existing three month free trial, and is only available to new subscribers signing up for an individual membership plan.
As always, you can visit our Black Friday Roundup to keep track of the latest deals going on heading into Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Some sales will begin going online a bit early today, but the bulk will see activation when retailers first open their doors tomorrow night between 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. local time.
Article Link: Macy's Launches Apple Watch Series 1 Black Friday Discount: 38mm for $180 and 42mm for $210