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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
A 2.3Ghz Dual G5 to be precise. Dismissing the notion that PowerPCs are obsolete/redundant, I still compose all my music on PowerPC and working with Propellerhead Reason, my workflow is scalable throughout all my Macs - even the 300Mhz iBook!
I can't praise Reason enough on these machines, through tight and efficient coding this software allows you to pile on the virtual instruments, samplers, effects and mixers with CPU to spare.
I drive it with my Novation Remote 25 keyboard - with it's firmware upgrade it's essentially now an X-Station and in addition to being a virtual modelling synth and controller, it's also an audio interface with digital effects - however, on my 8088 project, all sounds are synthetic, so that part goes unused.
My latest offering from this combo is another 4 tracks on Bandcamp under my 8088 guise - which is rooted in mid eighties retro sounds. The lead track is also on my Youtube channel - and like all my videos, it's made on my G5 in iMovie and Adobe After Effects. Those of a certain age will recognise the 'star' in the vid as Nastassja Kinski - whom I was besotted with as a teenager…..and still am if I'm honest ;)




macrumors 6502
Feb 11, 2017
Malaga, Spain
Great track!
Love drone sounds, pad sounds...whatever you call them. And what you did with the video to underline that "godlike" being of Natasha is gorgeous. Really sensual slow motion.
Thank you for sharing it.
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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Great track!
Love drone sounds, pad sounds...whatever you call them. And what you did with the video to underline that "godlike" being of Natasha is gorgeous. Really sensual slow motion.
Thank you for sharing it.

Thanks - I reallly appreciate that :) I don't always know where a track's going til it's nearly finished - including The Outer Limits sample and then thinking about Natassja Kinski for the visuals made it all come together.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Exellent effort, I thoroughly enjoyed it. What version of Reason are you using? Been tempted to try it for some time, and see that Reason 1 is readily availble in the Macintoshgarden for systems pre OS X.

Cheers, thanks for that :) The final mix for these was done in Reason 4 which I only use because a sample pack I bought is only compatible with 4 and up - normally I'd go with Reason 3 which works across the range back to G3s. I have Reason 2.5 on OS9 machines, you can grab that at MacOS9Lives.


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
I remember watching a documentary on Jeff Lynne last year, which was filmed in 2012. Part of it was shot at his home studio, which showed a G5 as being his prime digital composer/processor long after the switch to Intel.

It isn't as if Lynne was short of a bob or two but I suppose if it ain't broke...
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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
I remember watching a documentary on Jeff Lynne last year, which was filmed in 2012. Part of it was shot at his home studio, which showed a G5 as being his prime digital composer/processor long after the switch to Intel.

It isn't as if Lynne was short of a bob or two but I suppose if it ain't broke...

I can easily imagine many a non-tech obsessed musician shelling out a couple of grand back then to buy a state of the art Mac that offered 48 track audio...and then refusing to buy the whole lot again because of the Intel if 48 tracks aren't enough?


macrumors 68000
May 27, 2013
I can easily imagine many a non-tech obsessed musician shelling out a couple of grand back then to buy a state of the art Mac that offered 48 track audio...and then refusing to buy the whole lot again because of the Intel if 48 tracks aren't enough?

Actually, many of them stayed in OS 9 forever...because the underlying OS ran so much faster than OS X. Then when the Intel switch came and all of their audio apps took a performance hit via Rosetta...yeah.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jun 17, 2014
Lincolnshire, UK
Actually, many of them stayed in OS 9 forever...because the underlying OS ran so much faster than OS X. Then when the Intel switch came and all of their audio apps took a performance hit via Rosetta...yeah.

This is the nature of tech...if you bought a new 12 string Rickenbacker back in 2000, you'd still be using it now probably and to the same ends. Buy a Mac in 2000 for electronic music and you're invalid as a serious musician with a couple of years....or willfully retro...


macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004
This is the nature of tech...if you bought a new 12 string Rickenbacker back in 2000, you'd still be using it now probably and to the same ends. Buy a Mac in 2000 for electronic music and you're invalid as a serious musician with a couple of years....or willfully retro...

Not that the film focused on his hardware but I can image all of the ProTools plug ins and assorted hardware add ons that would have stopped working under SL or later. Probably more time and effort wasted in trying to replace those, if possible, than any performance gains.

Having said that, Lynne featured a violin, cello and cod opera in much of his work so 'wilfully retro' hardly needs saying.
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macrumors 603
Nov 7, 2004

Do you know what I admire most about your attachments? The skeumorphism. <3 <3 <3. There, I said it.
Funny how such Renaissance accoutrements usually imply maturity or sophistication whilst an 80s drum machine is pure retro...

To be fair, having studied the fiddle when I was at school, there is an element of 'craft' and learning involved. Something that the one finger wonders on TOTP tried their very best to bury.
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