I've been using the USB version of the extended keyboard since its release, I prefer having the numberpad for my tax sheets and some other number work. The USB model I have is starting to die now, a few keys have failed. I passed up the chance to get one BTO with my iMac, not thinking I would need to replace my wired one so soon.
$130 for a keyboard is quite steep though. $150 if I want the Space Gray, which I think matches better with the iMac. I never understood why they kept the keys white when the iMac when to silver/black. If I buy though, I want to make sure this thing will last as long as my original.
How does the typing experience compare to the old USB one? How stable and solid is the connection? For those that bought day 1, how is the battery holding up? I believe these can be used wired if you leave it plugged in, so once the battery fails I can still use it just like my old one.
$130 for a keyboard is quite steep though. $150 if I want the Space Gray, which I think matches better with the iMac. I never understood why they kept the keys white when the iMac when to silver/black. If I buy though, I want to make sure this thing will last as long as my original.
How does the typing experience compare to the old USB one? How stable and solid is the connection? For those that bought day 1, how is the battery holding up? I believe these can be used wired if you leave it plugged in, so once the battery fails I can still use it just like my old one.