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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 29, 2015

I tried this question on the main Apple forum and got no replies, hope someone here can help!

My company has recently switched to iPhone 6 (all on version 8.3). Mostly it's been a positive move, apart from one major irritation.

When responding to emails in the iPhone Mail app, sometimes the text just doesn't wrap properly. You can't see the whole email while you're typing, because the text disappears off to the right of the screen in one long line.

It seems to happen when the original email is formatted as a column or text box. When you reply, the text will not wrap in the reply until you reach the width of the column in the original email.

Is there any way to fix this? I feel embarrassed having to explain to people that they just have to put up with it.



macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 29, 2015
Ha. Good one.

Sadly, I think this is the nearest thing to a serious answer I'm going to get.


macrumors newbie
Apr 24, 2019
I’m sorry to resurrect an ancient thread, but given it rates so high on search engines, hopefully it’s not poor form to drop a follow-up comment in here.

(Obviously we’re many versions of iOS beyond 8.3, but the issue described above—or an unrelated issue that presents in exactly the same way—persists in 12.2, despite many improvements to

I’ve been experiencing this stubborn issue on both my iPad and iPhone. Disabling “Increase Quote Level” didn’t help, nor did any of the other workarounds I found on various forums. I was about to give up and look for an alternative email app, when I felt inspired to delete my email signature (which I had set up on both devices as a table-based HTML signature—you can do this via copy and paste, then “shake” to “Undo Formatting”).

Problem: immediately solved.

So, ditch your HTML signatures if you want to flow text properly when you’re replying/composing.


macrumors newbie
Apr 24, 2019
I don’t have an email signature. Still run into this problem.

I’ve seen it a few times myself since making the post above. It seems to occur when the message you’re replying to contains elements that can’t be reflowed. But it’s really rare now.
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