Anyone else? Didn’t touch my fully charged iPad in two days and lost over 50% with Mail apparently running constantly. App is closed and no mail widget either
Maybe the solution would be to turn off syncing and make it „Manually” when you open email app or ”Automatically” to do it only when on charger (details below)
I have the same usage as you and Mail app is not even showing in battery stats.
These are my settings on iPad Pro 2018 11” iPadOS 17 :
(using Gmail as main account + secondary iCloud for spam and syncing)
In my case I barely have it on charger but maybe playing with fetch - „Manually” might help there - then if needed you could just open Mail app and pull down to synchro If I remember well.
Might be a coincidence but I was having the mail app drain my phone on ios16 even in low power mode. Removing the Mail app fixed it but putting it back on caused it to drain again. Used iTunes to do a “upgrade” using the same version ipsw and it’s now cured.