Hi Jim
I am on a wireless network. But it's not the wake-up time which is the issue.
But I'm wondering if I find another network an see if it works there. That way I could exclude the possibility that it's my internet (Earthlink/TW cable) provider that have change (closed) port setting.
I haven't installed anything. I wrongly opened a spam mail earlier that day, and i had a MS Office software update.
I just ran "Disk Utility", no improve.
I have erased all mails in "junk", "trash", and all mails in "in" from until before the problem started.
I open a terminal and logged in. Everything looks fine, but I got so much junk-mail, so it's impossible for me to read all mails.
Here is the terminal info:
Last login: Thu Mar 10 11:37:49 on console
Welcome to Darwin!
erh-Computer:~ erh$
erh-Computer:~ erh$ telnet addr.com 110
Connected to addr2.addr.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
+OK POP3 addr.com
-ERR Unknown command in AUTHORIZATION state
user erh
+OK Password required for erh.
pass "my password"
+OK erh has 887 visible messages (0 hidden) in 4593166 octets.
+OK 887 visible messages (4593166 octets)
1 1335
2 1076
3 1873
4 949
5 1603
6 1370
7 969
8 1188
9 1889
10 7679
881 9323
882 2042
883 1929
884 1032
885 502
886 2185
887 1237
top 1 1
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Location: 119 alcott acm
Reply-To: "Thanh Lavonne" <rpnmc@destin.com>
From: "Thanh Lavonne" <psmorcaff@goodgirlz.com>
To: "Sult" <sult@erh.com>
Subject: Body hurts?
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 17:27:10 +0100
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for <sult@erh.com>; Mon, 21 Feb 2005 09:28:10 -0800 (PST)
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Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2005 12:31:38 -0500
From: "Consuelo Swanson" <Blueytq@correoweb.com>
Message-ID: <6D6AA7EB.9460535@islandnet.net>
Subject: cheap dv'd's, five a'dult's for one Buck
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Pick 5 X'x'X D v D's for Only 1$