What LeetCode represents is algorithm challenges. That knowledge *can* be useful in app creation, but honestly, it's very infrequently it comes in handy. A bit more if you're doing games programming, a lot of data manipulation or lower level programming where you don't have access to libraries.
The first algorithm we looked at in my uni course on algorithms and data structures was Binary Search. In almost all practical cases you'd just use a library function, but if you want to start out with also challenges like those on LeetCode, binary search is an easier one to start off with than most examples on LeetCode

All it is, is this:
Imagine you're to find "Helicopter" in a dictionary. What do you do? The naïve approach is to just begin from the first page and go through all the words until you find helicopter. A binary search however will start in the middle of the dictionary, think "Is what I'm looking for before or after this page?" and if it's before it'll go to the middle of where it is and the first page; Continuing to go to the middle until the target is found. Thus the algorithm will run in O(log(n)) rather than O(n); Which means that as the size of the dictionary increases the worst case scenario will take looking through at most log(n) words (n is the size of the dictionary), whereas looking through the entire dictionary will take n words to look through.
Note this of course only works on a sorted list.
See? You don't need LeetCode to make something

. LeetCode represents just one aspect of programming, and in practice it's often one of the least important aspects (depending on what type of programming). It's valuable to know the field of algorithms and data structures, but knowing how to structure your code well and write clean, descriptive code is way more valuable!
Btw. I mentioned mentorship; If you ever want a look through any of your code to perhaps give pointers or any other type of guidance, I'd be happy to help in any way I can. I of course don't know everything or even close to it, but I've written quite a lot of code at this point and am working on a little operating system for my bachelor project, so I think I'll probably be qualified enough to give some assistance here and there

- I can be privately reached through both mail, Discord and pm here on MR
Don't get too beat down. It sounds to me like you're making really really good progress on learning