The market WANTS super thin laptops and devices. The market SPEAKS by creating demand, and a company's job is to listen—then supply. That is what Apple is doing. The idea that Apple is making incredibly thin laptops JUST to make a profit, and that thin devices has nothing to do with demand, is laughable. Apple's core business strength is they are better than anyone at listening, observing, and using intuition mixed with data to measure what the market wants, then providing.
The market wanted simpler, easier to use devices. The market wanted simpler, enriched ecosystems. The market wanted long battery life, portability, and super thin devices. By listening and providing, Apple has grown beyond competitors.
You, as one single individual, may not "need" what the market wants. But you are not the market. The market is composed of many individuals, cut across demographics, culture, and usage preferences. It's Apple's job to begin segmenting the market, and then providing a product line that serves some (not all) of those segments.
Apple is not a charity. Apple has to make a profit. No profit = not existing. More so, especially in the tech-world, money comes and goes. A billion dollar tech company today can die in a year, hence requiring huge treasure chest of money to buy companies, invest in new product categories, and keep the innovation engine running. Apple's interest is in self-preservation, and part of that is long-term thinking, and short-term providing of products the market wants.
Of course there are things about Apple that betray my interests or preferences at times, but I don't feel entitled that every little move Apple makes benefits me 100%. Reality is not solely composed by Apple. But I would swear people on this and other forums think just that, like complaining about their god for making it cloudy today. Apple is not responsible for your day. You are. If the first generation MacBook does not fit you in features, or price, then move on. They are conducting business by providing what some of the market wants. If something doesn't fit you perfectly, do not throw an internet temper tantrum, or spread poisons that waste our time. Apple is not a religion, and they are not a charity. It is a business tasked with providing value to the marketplace. And fortunately there is plenty of options and competition. Stop the cynicism, not because you are a cynic but because you are trying to infect other people with it because you are lonely in your perspective.