Yesterday I bought two additional displays to my Retina Macbook Pro, which means I now have three external displays, plus the built in display. The Macbook display is below the top one, and in between the two on the sides (see picture)
For me to get the cursor from the Macbook display to the side ones, I have to slam the cursor to the one I want, otherwise it just sticks to the edge. However, it's working great to move it to the top one, since it's edge-to-edge in "Display arrangement". How can I solve this? I don't want to change the resolution on the Macbook Pro, since I like "Best for Retina". Also, I don't want an app that moves the cursor via shortcuts, since it's even more annoying.
If I move the Macbook display in system preferences like this:
it works on the left side, but the problem remains on the right.
Any tips?
For me to get the cursor from the Macbook display to the side ones, I have to slam the cursor to the one I want, otherwise it just sticks to the edge. However, it's working great to move it to the top one, since it's edge-to-edge in "Display arrangement". How can I solve this? I don't want to change the resolution on the Macbook Pro, since I like "Best for Retina". Also, I don't want an app that moves the cursor via shortcuts, since it's even more annoying.
If I move the Macbook display in system preferences like this:
it works on the left side, but the problem remains on the right.
Any tips?