The problem with the Magic Mouse is it will move left, right with just a slight finger touch. I understand that that’s what it is supposed to do, but that really screws me up when I’m doing ver small changes to images. I’ve tried to turn off all the settings but the mouse will still jerk left and right. I tried to order a replacement mouse to the old one I have, but after 6 weeks Amazon cancelled the order. So I ordered a Magic Mouse and it very frustrating To use.... You're gonna have to elaborate what you mean. How exactly does your Magic Mouse not operate as a point and click device now?
It is not response time. I just want the mouse to point and click. I don’t want any one finger tap I don’t want any two finger tap. I don’t want it to control the zoom. I just want it to act like a mouse from before there was magic. I’m very used to doing Photoshop with a point and click mouseYou can adjust mouse tracking speed under Preferences/Mouse to slow it down.
If your mouse is not responding in a timely fashion, you may have USB-3 interference which can be solved by better cables or ferrite beads on your peripheral cables.
It is not response time. I just want the mouse to point and click. I don’t want any one finger tap I don’t want any two finger tap. I don’t want it to control the zoom. I just want it to act like a mouse from before there was magic. I’m very used to doing Photoshop with a point and click mouse