Just saw this and it works on older macs!
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Wasn't this a feature of the new MacBook anyway? I thought this was just something new for other Mac laptops.
This created some problems on my mac yesterday. My macbook pro was in sleep mode and before opening the Lid I connected the charger and then opened the lid. On the login screen, I couldn't find any User accounts, instead it showed me a green full battery image (about 512x512 resolution). The charger was in orange mode, means that battery was being charged. I tried pressing space bar and clicked the trackpad but user accounts were not being showed even after that. I removed the charger and macbook went back to sleep. I closed and then opened the lid, it started showing me the user accounts. I then connected my charger, and the charger was showing that battery is being charge (orange light) but when I checked Battery Monitor app it was showing that available charge is 8492 mAh and battery capacity is also 8492 mAh. I didn't understand that why it showed me that battery is being charged? I then removed the charger and connected it again and the light turned out to be green. After all this, I tried to disable the command as stated in the OP's original link by making the boolean variable as false. The command executed but I still hear the chime sound whenever I connect my charger.
defaults write com.apple.PowerChime ChimeOnAllHardware -bool false;killall PowerChime
people may need to carefully note it works and suitable for Yosemite only....right??
Works on my 2011 MacBook Air 11" running El Capitain beta. Pretty quiet though - seems to be dependent on system volume setting. Turning the volume up to full helps, but who wants to leave it like that?
Thanks for the tidbit. May put another tone in there.Easy answer replace the file with something more pronounced or louder;
Highlight above code, right click; Services Reveal in Finder, rename and replace with whatever you like.Code:/System/Library/CoreServices/PowerChime.app/Contents/Resources/connect_power.aif