This is a GitHub project I'm working off so I'm not the creator. It's working perfectly and I just want to better understand the file structure and linking.
Obviously when you are in an Xcode project and and create a Pod file then run pod install in Terminal the workspace is created for you and you get the extra blue Pod project icon with the new folders.
But...why are there two Pods folders and two Frameworks folders and an extra blue Pods project icon?
A Pods "project" is created for everything related to Cocoapods? Why is there an iOS Foundation.framework there? Shouldn't it be in the main Project yellow Products folder?
I also see the Pod file the creator used. Why is it there instead of the main yellow Products or Supporting Folder and how did it get the red rb on the icon? Usually it's just a plain white icon.
Also why is there is a Frameworks folder in the main project which contains a Pods_projectname_.framework?
What exactly is Pods-project-name.debug.xcconfig for?
Obviously when you are in an Xcode project and and create a Pod file then run pod install in Terminal the workspace is created for you and you get the extra blue Pod project icon with the new folders.
But...why are there two Pods folders and two Frameworks folders and an extra blue Pods project icon?
A Pods "project" is created for everything related to Cocoapods? Why is there an iOS Foundation.framework there? Shouldn't it be in the main Project yellow Products folder?
I also see the Pod file the creator used. Why is it there instead of the main yellow Products or Supporting Folder and how did it get the red rb on the icon? Usually it's just a plain white icon.
Also why is there is a Frameworks folder in the main project which contains a Pods_projectname_.framework?
What exactly is Pods-project-name.debug.xcconfig for?
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