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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 17, 2010
App Q&A testing by request.
I used to use Audiblehub for audio conversion.

I've not bothered installing it on my iMac...I assume it's pretty dead, as it has been for years. :(

I saw a mention of MAX here

IS that the best for audio conversions, (my need right now is flac to mp3).

A test shows it transfers meta data, which is one of my big wants.
It shows no updates since 09 though...

Edit: further testing shows poor conversion interface, having to go into Program preferences to change the format to convert to, a big red "Output directory not specifieced" banner when it's set to use the source folder...
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I really don’t know how it is done, but a program has that feature of convert FLAC to MP3 for both Mac and Windows users, and I didn’t have any problem using that function.

It also helps you convert FLAC to WAV, AAC, AC3, WMA, DTS, AIFF, AU, etc.
Lovely, works great!

Thanks so much. I'm still a relative newbie on this kind of stuff so found some older albums but only in flac. But needed to convert and this program works great. Thanks!:)
I've been using Macroplant's Adapter for more than 2 years and I recommend it all the way. Its UI its simple and useful, and its very VERY fast. Its handles almost any kind of audio & video files. I still use Handbrake for large files conversions, but use Adapter for anything else.

Just right now I needed to convert 16 CDs in FLAC format to MP3: just opened Adapter, drop the 16 folders into it, select MP3 audio format and pressed CONVERT. That easy...
I know this is a resurrected thread (more than a year old). But I don't see anyone recommending xACT (x audio compression Toolkit) by Scott Brown. I've been using it for FLAC to MP3 conversion for over 6 years now. It is wonderful.
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Just a koda as the Tread Starter, I wound up settling with XLD and MediaHuman Audio Coverter, depending on the source files.. Have had no problems with them (other than remembering..which do i like better? :D )
I have no idea about the application you said, but i will try to use it. Currently i'm using the AudioConverter, support the flac format.
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