If you aren't a power user you can get by with anything. You don't need an iPad Air, the normal version would be just fine. You certainly don't need a MacBook Pro. So ask yourself this, do you want a touch screen with a bluetooth keyboard/mouse or do you want a flip screen with an attached keyboard and track pad?
The base MB air is more than enough for anyone that does light use. I can open 15 tabs in safari, have some other crap running in the backround like music, news, mail etc and still have 2gb free in ram and no swap use on the 8gb model. Network drive gives me access to 8tb of space. I don't need to get screwed by apple on storage, especially with iCloud. $5-6 for premier is a steal and reddit has a bunch of accountshare subs for that.
If you don't need the laptop form factor then the iPad is a no brainer.