The 2019 MBA was released in July, so we are coming up on 6 months. I bought mine in August, so this is the 5th month for me. Anyway, I was interested in how satisfied people are with this iteration of the MBA.
Basically, I am the target customer for the MBA. My use is pretty typical of average consumers; i.e. Mail, Messages, Calendar, Notes, Safari, iWork, MS Office, iMovie, Photos, and streaming video/movies. I could probably have gotten by with an iPad Pro, since I retired a few years ago. However, when you add iPad accessories (pencil and KB), they were close to the same price. And, I still do a fair amount of spreadsheet work for the family real estate business and community volunteer activities, so the MBA was a better choice for me.
Anyway, my prior laptop was the 2014 MBA, and it was a great computer. However, it only had 4GB of RAM, so it was getting a bit sluggish. Also, I liked the new MBA's display and smaller footprint for portability. Honestly, I could have gone a couple of more years on the old unit, but there was a good deal so I decided to trade-in for the 2019 MBA.
So far so good. No problems whatsoever. I like the feel of the keyboard, but I understand that some folks do not. It's a personal preference thing. Also, I haven't had any reliability problems with the keyboard so far. Anecdotally (tech reviews and online posts), it seems like the 2019 Butterfly KB is better than the predecessor KBs. It will take some time before we truly know if it is "fixed". I definitely prefer the screen, it is significantly better than my older model. It is also snapper owing to 8GB RAM, which is standard on the base model. Finally, I appreciate the smaller bezels and footprint. It's easier to get the laptop into my backpack. I know that the 2019 MBA is a quarter pound lighter than the older model, but, I don't really notice that difference.
All in all, at this point, I am very satisfied with the 2019 MBA. My 2014 MBA was the best electronic device I ever owned. For me, the 2019 MBA has a shot at unseating its predecessor. Time will tell.
Ok. Given the fact that I am satisfied, I probably shouldn't be asking these questions. Ignorance is bliss. But.....How is it going for other 2019 MBA users? Are you happy with your purchase? How do you use it? Has the computer been reliable?
Basically, I am the target customer for the MBA. My use is pretty typical of average consumers; i.e. Mail, Messages, Calendar, Notes, Safari, iWork, MS Office, iMovie, Photos, and streaming video/movies. I could probably have gotten by with an iPad Pro, since I retired a few years ago. However, when you add iPad accessories (pencil and KB), they were close to the same price. And, I still do a fair amount of spreadsheet work for the family real estate business and community volunteer activities, so the MBA was a better choice for me.
Anyway, my prior laptop was the 2014 MBA, and it was a great computer. However, it only had 4GB of RAM, so it was getting a bit sluggish. Also, I liked the new MBA's display and smaller footprint for portability. Honestly, I could have gone a couple of more years on the old unit, but there was a good deal so I decided to trade-in for the 2019 MBA.
So far so good. No problems whatsoever. I like the feel of the keyboard, but I understand that some folks do not. It's a personal preference thing. Also, I haven't had any reliability problems with the keyboard so far. Anecdotally (tech reviews and online posts), it seems like the 2019 Butterfly KB is better than the predecessor KBs. It will take some time before we truly know if it is "fixed". I definitely prefer the screen, it is significantly better than my older model. It is also snapper owing to 8GB RAM, which is standard on the base model. Finally, I appreciate the smaller bezels and footprint. It's easier to get the laptop into my backpack. I know that the 2019 MBA is a quarter pound lighter than the older model, but, I don't really notice that difference.
All in all, at this point, I am very satisfied with the 2019 MBA. My 2014 MBA was the best electronic device I ever owned. For me, the 2019 MBA has a shot at unseating its predecessor. Time will tell.
Ok. Given the fact that I am satisfied, I probably shouldn't be asking these questions. Ignorance is bliss. But.....How is it going for other 2019 MBA users? Are you happy with your purchase? How do you use it? Has the computer been reliable?
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