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macrumors 68030
Original poster
Aug 16, 2010
Anyone else gotten an unusual amount of crashes and kernel panics? Got the machine yesterday, had 2 kernel panics that seem graphics firmware related....
Anyone else gotten an unusual amount of crashes and kernel panics? Got the machine yesterday, had 2 kernel panics that seem graphics firmware related....
Oh man. I'm sitting here with a week-old MacBook Pro 16" and I've been experiencing the same thing: multiple kernel panics which lead to restarts. Right now the machine is in the middle of a MacOS Recovery, but in the meantime, I was pricing out spec'd up MBA models in the event I return the 16" and use a T2-less MBA model for the next year or so. Now I'm seeing these are crashing too....

Sorry to hear you're going through this. FWIW, an SMC reset did fix my machine for a few days, but today, the kernel panics came back.
Ruh roh, I really hope this isn't a common problem with all new MBAs
Anyone else gotten an unusual amount of crashes and kernel panics? Got the machine yesterday, had 2 kernel panics that seem graphics firmware related....
Anyone else gotten an unusual amount of crashes and kernel panics? Got the machine yesterday, had 2 kernel panics that seem graphics firmware related....

When I opened up my 2020 Air this am it started booting. I didn't shut it down so it crashed at some point during the night. I don't remember the exact error in the report but it mentioned Intel.
So fun fact: after updating to 10.15.4 I haven't had any graphics related kernel panics

I can definitely repro the bug everyone's been talking about when doing large file transfers though, but at least that seems to be an OS issue and not an MBA one :)
Hey, I have exactly the same issue.

It happens when the MBP wakes-up after sleep (some hours) using an external display.

I think it's software related, I made a NVRAM & SMC reset, reinstalled everything and it's the same. Some other users exchanged they MBP for a new one and the issue is showing after few days too.

I found a workaround for this, the idea is basically reduce the pressure on the NVRAM. I think due a firmware/GPU driver issue there is a memory leak.

The idea is under Energy Saver disable the Power Nap, that will reduce some pressure on the NVRAM.

Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 16.42.38.png

This hide (the but is still there) the bug, but at least is a way to keep working up to they release the solution.

BTW, this is my first post at the forum :)
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