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macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
A lot of people make poor recommendations all the time. The only reasonable complaint I’ve seen has been a physical hardware failure of the keyboard. But if it’s going to fail most likely it’ll fail in the first year. And besides that there haven’t really been any issues that don’t occasionally occur in Apple products. They don’t produce defect-free devices all the time.

The 2015 model was fine but it is no longer a responsible recommendation.

And I and others would disagree. Both for and against are however opinions.


macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2014
North America
Just don't heat it up by asking it to, you know, do anything . . .

Yeah. Or the 2015 I have at my desk right now that’s on fire while running Safari :confused:.
And I and others would disagree. Both for and against are however opinions.

Well, kind of. The only real opinion to be had is the feel of the keyboard, but most of those opinions are people who “I went and tried it at the mall and didn’t like it” - which are severely uninformed opinions because you can’t demo something like a keyboard in 5 minutes.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
Well, kind of. The only real opinion to be bad is the feel of the keyboard, but most of those opinions aren’t people “I went and tried it at the mall and didn’t like it” - which are severely uninformed opinions because you can’t demo something like a keyboard in 5 minutes.

I have to agree with this. . . There are a ton of people saying "Don't buy it!!" who don't, or ever have own/owned one themselves.


macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2014
North America
I have to agree with this. . . There are a ton of people saying "Don't buy it!!" who don't, or ever have own/owned one themselves.

Yup. I use a 2015 at work and my personal is the 2016. I had an issue with my hibernate which required a soft reinstall but otherwise it’s great. 2015 is a fine machine. I use it probably more than my own 2016, but it’s old.


macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
A lot of people make poor recommendations all the time. The only reasonable complaint I’ve seen has been a physical hardware failure of the keyboard. But if it’s going to fail most likely it’ll fail in the first year. And besides that there haven’t really been any issues that don’t occasionally occur in Apple products. They don’t produce defect-free devices all the time.

The 2015 model was fine but it is no longer a responsible recommendation.

Like I say both are opinions and both are as valid as each other. Odd you seem very intent on igno
Yeah. Or the 2015 I have at my desk right now that’s on fire while running Safari :confused:.

Well, kind of. The only real opinion to be had is the feel of the keyboard, but most of those opinions are people who “I went and tried it at the mall and didn’t like it” - which are severely uninformed opinions because you can’t demo something like a keyboard in 5 minutes.

Or my 2015 humming happily running a Windows Parallels VM, Sql Operations Studio, DBVisualizer and Visual Studio.

I'm not going to say the 2015 is perfect, yet you seem adamant at bashing it. Why?


macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2014
North America
Like I say both are opinions and both are as valid as each other. Odd you seem very intent on igno

You can have an opinion on the comfort of the keyboard, but that's about it. And most people I've heard from on the forum are not really credible. I use both a 2015 and 2016 just about every day. I probably use the 2015 more. I'm qualified to have an opinion. Going to the mall and trying it out does not qualify you for an opinion on the keyboard.

Or my 2015 humming happily running a Windows Parallels VM, Sql Operations Studio, DBVisualizer and Visual Studio.

I'm not going to say the 2015 is perfect, yet you seem adamant at bashing it. Why?

I'm not bashing the 2015. I'm saying that suggesting somebody purchase a 3 year old computer is poor advice.
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macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
You can have an opinion on the comfort of the keyboard, but that's about it. And most people I've heard from on the forum are not really credible. I use both a 2015 and 2016 just about every day. I probably use the 2015 more. I'm qualified to have an opinion. Going to the mall and trying it out does not qualify you for an opinion on the keyboard.

I'm not bashing the 2015. I'm saying that suggesting somebody purchase a 3 year old computer is poor advice.
And I'm not qualified to have an opinion?
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macrumors 601
Aug 24, 2017
Depends. What are you asking about?

Well, while aLL this was going on I asked a couple of folks at work with newer Pros their thoughts; both have had keyboard issues (one has a 2016 non touch bar, the other a 2017 with touch bar) - and both are unhappy with them.

Meanwhile the only other person I know with a 2015 Pro is still using, like me, with no issues.

I never stated the 2015 was perfect - if you read my original post on this I gave the negatives, however I also stated why I stated what I did; something that seems to have personally annoyed you for whatever reason.

Listen, all you had to do was give your own opinion, but you didn't. You consistently disparaged my posts, calling my opinion wrong for no other reason than you disagreed.

The OP asked for opinions. I gave mine. Why you felt the need to attack my opinion constantly is a bit of a mystery. You have the opinion that a 2017 is better simply because it's newer. I have an opinion that, given reported issues the inverse is true.

You have every right to your opinion that a 2017 model is better, will you give me the decency of accepting my right of an opinion?


macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2014
North America
Well, while aLL this was going on I asked a couple of folks at work with newer Pros their thoughts; both have had keyboard issues (one has a 2016 non touch bar, the other a 2017 with touch bar) - and both are unhappy with them.

What are the keyboard issues?

Meanwhile the only other person I know with a 2015 Pro is still using, like me, with no issues.

Sure, you can probably use the 2015 without issues right now. I can use a 2012 MacBook Pro without issues right now as well. Why didn't you buy a 2012?

I never stated the 2015 was perfect - if you read my original post on this I gave the negatives, however I also stated why I stated what I did; something that seems to have personally annoyed you for whatever reason.

None of this is personal. I just don't feel it's appropriate to let people come here and write something that I think is particularly egregious because they want to defend things they like. That's what is consistently happening with these dumb 2015 vs the world threads. Fanboys come in, defend 3 year old technology, and point to hardware defects and the 5 minutes they spent in the mall with a keyboard as their raison d etre.

Listen, all you had to do was give your own opinion, but you didn't. You consistently disparaged my posts, calling my opinion wrong for no other reason than you disagreed.

The OP asked for opinions. I gave mine. Why you felt the need to attack my opinion constantly is a bit of a mystery. You have the opinion that a 2017 is better simply because it's newer. I have an opinion that, given reported issues the inverse is true.

You have every right to your opinion that a 2017 model is better, will you give me the decency of accepting my right of an opinion?

No, sorry. I'm not accepting your opinion because it is a poor opinion. I also wouldn't accept your opinion that paying a 20% interest rate is better than paying a 2% interest rate. It's an opinion, but it's not a good opinion (spoiler alert not all opinions are equal).

There are a variety of things to talk about here. I asked you what opinion you stated that I stated you couldn't have. If you want to point out that the 2016/2017 models have had hardware defects with the keyboards, sure I would agree that this is likely true. I'd also point out that the vast, vast majority of purchasers do not experience these problems.

If you want to argue that the 2015 keyboard is better than the 2016/17 keyboard, you can certainly hold that opinion but only if you actually spend time with both keyboards in order to have an informed opinion. Spending even a day with the keyboard is not even close to enough time. I see this mentioned all the time here "I went to the mall and tried it for 5 minutes and blah blah" and then they go and buy 3-year old components because of that. That's stupid. Even if the keyboard was as bad as some people make it out to be, it's still a superior purchase because of the updated components and this is even more true when the reported prices of the 2015 model are very high.

To circle back to your opinion. Of course you can state it and you have that right - please don't assume I'm attacking your right to have an opinion. That would be quite un-American of me. But I think it's quite egregious for people to come in here and suggest that somebody purchase an over-priced 3 year old computer so that they can feel good about their own purchase when, counter to their apparent intuition, the only thing that you can even have an opinion over (the keyboard feel) is something that you can't really form an opinion on without spending a significant amount of time with.


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2014
nyc upper east
You can have an opinion on the comfort of the keyboard, but that's about it. And most people I've heard from on the forum are not really credible. I use both a 2015 and 2016 just about every day. I probably use the 2015 more. I'm qualified to have an opinion. Going to the mall and trying it out does not qualify you for an opinion on the keyboard.

I'm not bashing the 2015. I'm saying that suggesting somebody purchase a 3 year old computer is poor advice.
dismissing the keyboard issue and not mentioning it cost 700 dollars to fix it out of warranty is also not being responsible either.

i have 2016 15inch and 2015 13 inch as well and although the benchmark show improvement, day to day usage is not that drastic, calling it old technology is blatantly irresponsible as well and rather short sighted. the new mbp have slightly faster cpu(5-10% due to intel's incremental imrpovement). a tad brighter screen, still same resolution, poorer battery due to apple reducing the battery size, and lack of ports due to their next gen thinking. integrated gpu is still integrated gpu. unless apple start using integrated amd polaris/vega it makes no difference.

the new TB mbp's defects will be a huge headache when ur AC runs out. that is a fact and not an opinion as clearly demostrated by the amount of complaints out of warranty 2016 owners have pushed forward.


the issues is not overblown, you cannot judge whether or not its overblown just because it hasn't happen to you(yet). i returned a 13inch tb 1 week in when the space bar and one of the main character key start failing and became non responsive. even the applestore employees acknowledge this when i overheard a sales person on the floor at the apple store while waiting for a repair last week.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
I think what people are failing to see is that any computer can have any part fail at any time.

I’m sure there are people that have had problems with the 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 MacBook Pro, and so on. So it’s not like any of them are without issue. That’s the problem with an mass produced product. While there is an extremely vocal group on macrumors that have had problems with the 2016, quite a few less that have had issues with the 2017. And that’s the point of the warranty, and AppleCare should you choose to buy it, right?

People can scream and shout that this should or shouldn’t happen, but either it does or it doesn’t and all of the infighting and bickering about it isn’t going to change a thing, right?

Let me ask this. If your friend who wanted a Windows machine asked your opinion, would you ever, even remotely, tell them to buy a machine from 2015? I think not.


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2014
nyc upper east
I think what people are failing to see is that any computer can have any part fail at any time.

I’m sure there are people that have had problems with the 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 MacBook Pro, and so on. So it’s not like any of them are without issue. That’s the problem with an mass produced product. While there is an extremely vocal group on macrumors that have had problems with the 2016, quite a few less that have had issues with the 2017. And that’s the point of the warranty, and AppleCare should you choose to buy it, right?

People can scream and shout that this should or shouldn’t happen, but either it does or it doesn’t and all of the infighting and bickering about it isn’t going to change a thing, right?

Let me ask this. If your friend who wanted a Windows machine asked your opinion, would you ever, even remotely, tell them to buy a machine from 2015? I think not.
but thats the not the case here, the new tb mbp have a much higher chance of failing than any previous models. and to pay over 700$ to have a simple keyboard repair just because the way its designed does not gain any sympathy points for apple. buying extended warranty is no longer an option but a must now, to put it bluntly apple is practically pointing a gun to your head to buy the applecare if you don't wanna deal with the 700 dollar repair when your keyboard goes.

how do you guys not see what is wrong with this picture?

as far as recommending buying a 2015 windows goes, asus and alienware don't use butterfly keyboards in their newer models, comparing to newer models they basically have a beefier spec and a case update.


macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
but thats the not the case here, the new tb mbp have a much higher chance of failing than any previous models. and to pay over 700$ to have a simple keyboard repair just because the way its designed does not gain any sympathy points for apple. buying extended warranty is no longer an option but a must now, to put it bluntly apple is practically pointing a gun to your head to buy the applecare if you don't wanna deal with the 700 dollar repair when your keyboard goes.

how do you guys not see what is wrong with this picture?

as far as recommending buying a 2015 windows goes, asus and alienware don't use butterfly keyboards in their newer models, comparing to newer models they basically have a beefier spec and a case update.

Do you happen to know the price offhand to replace a keyboard in a 2015 (should you have to)? I don’t think it’s much different, since it includes the battery and trackpad as well.

I still think that any machine you buy is a crapshoot. And until we have actual concrete numbers on the problems involving the 2016 / 2017 machines that we’re all just throwing out uninformed opinions. How many on the forum have really had problems? It has to be *at most* 60-70? 100?

It’s just not a good idea to base all of your purchasing decisions on such a small microcosm of the mac community. How can anyone rationally think otherwise?

And please, please don’t think I’m saying you’re wrong in your opinion. I’m not! Just adding to the discussion and trying to play devils advocate!
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macrumors 68040
May 14, 2014
nyc upper east
Do you happen to know the price offhand to replace a keyboard in a 2015 (should you have to)? I don’t think it’s much different, since it includes the battery and trackpad as well.

I still think that any machine you buy is a crapshoot. And until we have actual concrete numbers on the problems involving the 2016 / 2017 machines that we’re all just throwing out uninformed opinions. How many on the forum have really had problems? It has to be *at most* 60-70? 100?

It’s just not a good idea to base all of your purchasing decisions on such a small microcosm of the mac community. How can anyone rationally think otherwise?

And please, please don’t think I’m saying you’re wrong in your opinion. I’m not! Just adding to the discussion and trying to play devils advocate!
ofcourse not everyone is entitled to their opinion and we are all here to contribute so we can paint the big picture with all the spectrum of color.

from what i gathered to replace the keyboard on a 2015 mbp it would cost around 200, but if you are tech savvie enough its actually DIY. since the keyboard parts can be have for 10 bucks off ebay or amazon.

and no it does not require to replace the entire top case of the mbp like the TB mbp. i'm pretty sure you can get a lesser quote from 3rd party shops.

i been here for a awhile and the amount of keyboard threads has been way more than the usual apple antics, i thought it was overblown as well til it happened to me on my 3 day old 13inch mbp with touchbar. right off the bat 2 keys were either stuck or non responsive, my theory was the laptop temp were very cold from the shipping, thn the sudden boot up causes a sudden change in temperature enough to cause degradation in the fragile keyboard component.
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macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
ofcourse not everyone is entitled to their opinion and we are all here to contribute so we can paint the big picture with all the spectrum of color.

from what i gathered to replace the keyboard on a 2015 mbp it would cost around 200, but if you are tech savvie enough its actually DIY. since the keyboard parts can be have for 10 bucks off ebay or amazon.

and no it does not require to replace the entire top case of the mbp like the TB mbp. i'm pretty sure you can get a lesser quote from 3rd party shops.

i been here for a awhile and the amount of keyboard threads has been way more than the usual apple antics, i thought it was overblown as well til it happened to me on my 3 day old 13inch mbp with touchbar. right off the bat 2 keys were either stuck or non responsive, my theory was the laptop temp were very cold from the shipping, thn the sudden boot up causes a sudden change in temperature enough to cause degradation in the fragile keyboard component.

Good info on the 2015, I saw some video or article showing the guy using a heat gun to remove the battery or what not so I figured it was glued to the top case like the 2016/7.

I don’t even want to get into the sheer amount of issues I had with the 2016 when it was first released. It. Was. Painful. My business essentially came to a halt. I probably went through 5-6 machines before I gave up. 2017, not so much.

And I appreciate you not taking it personally. So many people here think that they are being attacked for their opinion (and unfortunately some are).


macrumors 68040
May 14, 2014
nyc upper east
no im not that childish, i deal with drama enough in court so more or less used to it. and its good that people are responding with interest otherwise it gets boring.

yeah my 2016 15 inch haven't had any issues yet. but i got a extended ac on it just in case.


macrumors 68020
Dec 7, 2016
Seattle, WA
no im not that childish, i deal with drama enough in court so more or less used to it. and its good that people are responding with interest otherwise it gets boring.

yeah my 2016 15 inch haven't had any issues yet. but i got a extended ac on it just in case.

Ah god, you’re counsel! You win, I’m out! Can’t win an argument with a lawyer (or judge)! ;)


macrumors 68020
Jun 3, 2009
I’d have to agree. Telling someone to buy a 3 year old hardware machine just for ports is extremely irresponsible and misleading.
Futhermore, insinuating that these newer models run hotter shows either 1) a complete lack of knowledge or 2) laziness to look at benchmarks and form conclusions.

I’ll point to this execellent and in-depth video done comparing the 2015 and 2016 models in terms of performance during video editing.

Furthermore I’d suspect most (emphasis on most) people complaining about these computers (with the exception of the keyboard) are enthusiasts rather than pros which are who these computers are aimed for.

Where I work we have 4 Mac Pros, 1 HP Z series workstation and 2 iMacs. Most of the time computers are just decided as upgrades since we can get the cost back and relative to budgets, the cost of these computers is actually pretty low. As for dongles, people complain about it for 5 minutes and then get on with their lives because the performance is what matters.
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macrumors 68040
May 14, 2014
nyc upper east
I’d have to agree. Telling someone to buy a 3 year old hardware machine just for ports is extremely irresponsible and misleading.
Futhermore, insinuating that these newer models run hotter shows either 1) a complete lack of knowledge or 2) laziness to look at benchmarks and form conclusions.

I’ll point to this execellent and in-depth video done comparing the 2015 and 2016 models in terms of performance during video editing.

Furthermore I’d suspect most (emphasis on most) people complaining about these computers (with the exception of the keyboard) are enthusiasts rather than pros which are who these computers are aimed for.

Where I work we have 4 Mac Pros, 1 HP Z series workstation and 2 iMacs. Most of the time computers are just decided as upgrades since we can get the cost back and relative to budgets, the cost of these computers is actually pretty low. As for dongles, people complain about it for 5 minutes and then get on with their lives because the performance is what matters.

i don't recommend either both new or old, i don't recommend the 2015 cause the gpu is oudated, cpu is fine,
i don't recommend the new cause of the keyboard and how apple are charging so much for repair out of warranty. its a ticking time bomb til you need a repair when out of warranty. charging 700+ for a key replacement is absurd no matter how you look at it.

and i actually got someone i know to buy a 2016/17 15inch cause hes a video editor/graphic design. the only reason i told him to go for it is cause he doesn't type that much so the keyboard isn't that big of a issue, but if you are someone like me who type memos all day its a huge problem,
Ah god, you’re counsel! You win, I’m out! Can’t win an argument with a lawyer (or judge)! ;)
law student lol, not a counsel.


macrumors 68000
Oct 15, 2014
North America
dismissing the keyboard issue and not mentioning it cost 700 dollars to fix it out of warranty is also not being responsible either.

I’m not dismissing that. But it’s not a good enough reason to buy a 3-year old computer over something new.

i have 2016 15inch and 2015 13 inch as well and although the benchmark show improvement, day to day usage is not that drastic, calling it old technology is blatantly irresponsible as well and rather short sighted.

Incorrect. It’s old. This is a fact.

the new mbp have slightly faster cpu(5-10% due to intel's incremental imrpovement). a tad brighter screen, still same resolution, poorer battery due to apple reducing the battery size, and lack of ports due to their next gen thinking. integrated gpu is still integrated gpu. unless apple start using integrated amd polaris/vega it makes no difference.

Who cares about the integrated GPU when we care about the dedicated GPU? It’s certainly possible to not see a performance difference if you don’t do anything. Lol. You don’t see a difference between a 2015 13” and a 2016 15”? Why the hell did you buy it and not return it then?

You also mentioned the ports. But this is again, incorrect. The usb-c ports are far superior in every way. What are you going to do in a year with useless display port ports? At work when we were issuing 2015 15” pros guess what came standard? A dongle for this useless dumb port.

the new TB mbp's defects will be a huge headache when ur AC runs out. that is a fact and not an opinion as clearly demostrated by the amount of complaints out of warranty 2016 owners have pushed forward.

You don’t know the true defect rate. And if the keyboard is going to fail it’s probably going to fail in the first year anyway.

the issues is not overblown, you cannot judge whether or not its overblown just because it hasn't happen to you(yet). i returned a 13inch tb 1 week in when the space bar and one of the main character key start failing and became non responsive. even the applestore employees acknowledge this when i overheard a sales person on the floor at the apple store while waiting for a repair last week.

Ok then you can’t say it isn’t overblown. So now we’re back to just comparing specs. Don’t buy 3+ year old computer hardware when you can buy newer, better hardware. Especially when the old hardware isn’t that much cheaper.

What advice will you give next year or the year after? Don’t buy the 2020 pro get the 2015!

Fkn ridiculous.
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