Hi Lisa, sorry to hijack this topic. But I wanted to compare mine with other mbpr 2017 13s out there.
I don't have anyone using same laptop in 100km radius
Have you noticed any of these issues by chance?
- Intermitent popping sound coming from hinge/screen area while in use
- Cold start opening lid weird sounds
- Battery life subpar just using safari, I'm a 1 tab user and I see battery run down by a minute: 1% - 1m.
- Screen colors? Bluish? Compare with store items. Compared to 2014 mbpr it seems off.
- Excessive battery loss when sleeping, 10% ~ 12h
- Video signal glitches when opening lid, different colored blotches of pixels appear, and they settle once its turned On.
- Backcover of the laptop seems to be sitting in a weird way, there is 1mm opening near hinge, and on the sides, as if battery has swollen out.