Apple has no other option, as from my observations it's an exodus. Tough to sell a Pro notebook with hardly any Professionals on the platform. People with literally decades on the Mac don't move to Windows for the hell of it, they are switching as they rely on their hardware/software for a living and Apple's current portable offering is woefully inadequate.
Next redesign needs to be spectacular, as people are not just going to flip back to Apple for the WOW factor. There has to be a significant differentiator, again reliability, performance, usability counts, not pointlessly thinner for the sake of it.
TBH the 2016 chassis is, was and always be a disaster, only proving to be unreliable, drastically reducing usability & flexibility for the sake of a few Grams & mm, yet killing the user experience. Professionals want function, form, with great design, not problems that previously never existed...