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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 2, 2009
I have Apple everything, and my two main devices are a 2015 MacBook Pro and 2017 iPad Pro 10.5. I've had iPads since the first generation and perhaps I'm just getting older/busier and hence slightly less patient but I'm starting to get a bit irritated with the iPad as a second device, primarily typing and the slow speed of navigating round the device and getting anything done.

I really fancy the Macbook form factor to replace the iPad and gearing up the MBP to an iMac for the office. Has anyone done this and can they give any advice? I'm slightly apprehensive that the MB won't be as good for travel as the iPad (mainly flights). I don't envisage doing much heavy computer use with the MacBook and would save that for the office.

I'm waiting for the next hardware update before the move.
iPad's are for content consumption. They are great for web browsing on the couch or watching movies on a plane.

For me, even the new Pro models wouldn't "work" as laptop replacement for jumping into office stuff on the road. Trying to answer a lot of emails or work on a spreadsheet.... forget it, you need a keyboard and mouse. Just way to cumbersome for me to multi-task on iOS... I've tried.

Just depends what you want to use it for... ie: how much actual work do you plan on doing away from the iMac.
Here are my 2¢:

The iPad is great for content consumption on flights, but despite the fact I have a good Bluetooth keyboard, I find it difficult to get anything done work-wise with the iPad. The interface just isn't built for it. The lack of a touchpad is really annoying and trying to data entry in a spreadsheet for example is really an exercise in frustration.

However, my 13" MacBook Pro is too wide, deep, and fat for economy class on the plane. Awkward to use. It's fine for business class, but I don't travel business class. I work in the public sector, and travel in business class is not reimbursed.

In contrast, the 12" MacBook is a OK fit in economy class, and is much, much better for actually getting work done when compared against an iPad.

BTW, I prefer an iPad to the iPad mini most of the time, but on flights, I really liked the iPad mini size (although in my case it was the Nexus 7) for content consumption. I suspect though that in the future if I buy a 6.5" iPhone or whatever, I'll stop carrying iPads completely for traveling. For work travel I'll continue to carry my phone and my MacBook, but for times I don't need the MacBook I'll just carry the phone and nothing else.

And yeah, I have an iMac at home. The MacBook is not my primary machine.
I just sold my 10.5 iPad Pro and replaced it with a 2017 base MacBook. I am very happy with the portability and I just need a mouse or trackpad.
I just sold my 10.5 iPad Pro and replaced it with a 2017 base MacBook. I am very happy with the portability and I just need a mouse or trackpad.

Yep... any iPad Pro needs to be able to run full macOS with a mouse/keyboard... otherwise it's just a big phone for youtube and facebook.
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