I've been noticing that the battery life on my X doesn't seem to be as good as other seem to be getting. Coming from a 7+ I was expecting around the same (maybe a tiny bit worse), but it seems substantially worse.
I am currently running the latest beta OS, could that be a potential cause? I always go in and optimize all my settings and make sure I don't have anything running that I don't need. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing subpar battery life on the X (though it seems like most are very happy with it, which makes me think that something is wrong with mine). Its a verizon 256gb model.
To give an example right now I'm at 3 hours 50 min of usage and 5 hours 30 min of standby and I'm sitting at 60%.
I am currently running the latest beta OS, could that be a potential cause? I always go in and optimize all my settings and make sure I don't have anything running that I don't need. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing subpar battery life on the X (though it seems like most are very happy with it, which makes me think that something is wrong with mine). Its a verizon 256gb model.
To give an example right now I'm at 3 hours 50 min of usage and 5 hours 30 min of standby and I'm sitting at 60%.