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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 30, 2010
I've been noticing that the battery life on my X doesn't seem to be as good as other seem to be getting. Coming from a 7+ I was expecting around the same (maybe a tiny bit worse), but it seems substantially worse.

I am currently running the latest beta OS, could that be a potential cause? I always go in and optimize all my settings and make sure I don't have anything running that I don't need. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing subpar battery life on the X (though it seems like most are very happy with it, which makes me think that something is wrong with mine). Its a verizon 256gb model.

To give an example right now I'm at 3 hours 50 min of usage and 5 hours 30 min of standby and I'm sitting at 60%.
Running beta can cause battery life to be less than what it should be.
I am getting about 12 hours of use on a full charge. I am not on beta, have background data off, and fetch mail once per hour. Took the 1st week but gets better every day.
I am getting about 12 hours of use on a full charge. I am not on beta, have background data off, and fetch mail once per hour. Took the 1st week but gets better every day.
12 hours usage with what kind of standby?
I've been noticing that the battery life on my X doesn't seem to be as good as other seem to be getting. Coming from a 7+ I was expecting around the same (maybe a tiny bit worse), but it seems substantially worse.

I am currently running the latest beta OS, could that be a potential cause? I always go in and optimize all my settings and make sure I don't have anything running that I don't need. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing subpar battery life on the X (though it seems like most are very happy with it, which makes me think that something is wrong with mine). Its a verizon 256gb model.

To give an example right now I'm at 3 hours 50 min of usage and 5 hours 30 min of standby and I'm sitting at 60%.
Depends on what you were doing during those 3 hours and 50 minutes.

I'm sitting at 6 hours 30 minutes and at 44%.
Sounds like you're on track to get over 9 hours of usage and probably close to 12 hours of standby. That sounds pretty good if you ask me.
I am getting about 12 hours of use on a full charge. I am not on beta, have background data off, and fetch mail once per hour. Took the 1st week but gets better every day.

How high do you set the brightness? Do you use auto-brightness?
I go through this list to perserve battery life and choose the ones that apply to my preferences

Battery saving tips

1. Settings > WiFi > Disable Ask to Join Networks

2. Settings > Cellular > Enable LTE > OFF If you don't need it

3. Settings > Cellular > Go all the way to the bottom > Turn OFF Wi-Fi Assist

4. Settings > General > Spotlight Search > Turn OFF everything there

5. Settings > General > Handoff & Suggested Apps > Turn OFF everything there

6. Settings > General > Accessibility > Reduce Motion > ON

7. Settings > General > Background App Refresh > switch it OFF

8. Settings > General > Display & Brightness > Turn off Auto-Brightness and turn down the brightness to what feels comfortable. Do not have it on full brightness

9. Settings > Privacy > Location Services > Make sure all apps are set to "Never" or "While Using". Go to Share My Location and make sure it is OFF. Then go back to Location Services and go down to System Services and turn OFF everything there except for Find my iPhone/iPad/iPod.

10. Settings > Privacy > Motion & Fitness > Turn OFF Fitness Tracking

11. Settings > Privacy > Diagnostic & Usage > Check OFF Don't Send

12. Settings > Privacy > Advertising > Turn on Limit Ad Tracking, then press Reset Advertising Identifier

13. Settings > iCloud > Turn OFF anything here you don't use. I recommend turning OFF iCloud Drive, Everything in Photos, News, and Wallet.

14. Settings > App and iTunes Store > Turn OFF everything here.

15. Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Fetch New Data > Tap on anything here besides iCloud and set it to Manual.

16. Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Turn OFF Contacts Found in Mail

17. Settings > Messages > Turn OFF Send Read Receipts and Group Messaging if you don't use it.

18. Settings > Facetime > Turn OFF if not used.

19. Settings > Safari > Turn OFF Preload Top Hit. Turn OFF Safari Suggestions. Turn OFF Quick Website Search.

20. Settings > Safari > Turn ON Do Not Track.

21. Settings > News > Turn OFF Cellular Data. Turn OFF Show Story Previews.

22. Settings > Music > Turn OFF Show Apple Music if you don't use it.

23. Settings > Music > Turn OFF Use Cellular Data.

24. Settings > Videos > Turn OFF Show iTunes Purchases.

25. Settings > Photos & Camera > Turn off everything here.

26. Settings > iBooks > Turn OFF Cellular Data. Turn OFF Sync Bookmarks and Notes. Turn OFF Sync Collections. Turn OFF Online Content.

27. Settings > Podcasts > Turn off Sync Podcasts. Turn OFF Cellular Data. Change Refresh Every to MANUAL.

28. Settings > Game Center > Tap on your email address > Sign Out

29. Settings > Notifications > Go into each app and turn off notifications for apps you don’t need notifications on. Adjust for the ones you want and turn off the show on lock screen. Constantly turning on your lock screen drains the battery

30. If you are using Facebook, go to account settings in the FB app and turn off autoplay in video and photos. This disables video post from playing when you scroll over them.

31. Settings > General > Siri> Hey Siri > switch it OFF if you don’t use it
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I did a hard reset and it boosted my battery life percentage a huge amount! Seems like it was a software error displaying the amount of battery. Seems much better now.
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