I just came across this article. I don't really read Yahoo! often but it came across my feed somewhere. Apologize if this was discussed before or posted in a wrong place. New to the forum 
Personally, I think the meltdown is stupid. I think receiving a test unit in advance is a privilege and since Apple is now a household brand, appealing to a broader customer based outside of those who read tech blog religiously is understandable.
The only downside of this is that they are pressured to post a rushed 24hr quick look in order to not miss out on the traffic.
What do you think about this? Would be nice to see some replies and different point of views. Also, I'm specifically interested in your reaction of the bloggers. I've read speculations posts on Apple's possible intention of doing it this way already so I hope we can stay on topic.
Personally, I think the meltdown is stupid. I think receiving a test unit in advance is a privilege and since Apple is now a household brand, appealing to a broader customer based outside of those who read tech blog religiously is understandable.
The only downside of this is that they are pressured to post a rushed 24hr quick look in order to not miss out on the traffic.
What do you think about this? Would be nice to see some replies and different point of views. Also, I'm specifically interested in your reaction of the bloggers. I've read speculations posts on Apple's possible intention of doing it this way already so I hope we can stay on topic.