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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 10, 2016
Hi all!

I have the new M1 MBA 8/8/512. This morning when I was on a website, I got the message "This website is being reloaded because it is using excessive memory." I was on I've never seen a message like this, so I am wondering what is causing this? I had nothing but Safari open at the time.

Any ideas?
Usually happens because of bad JavaScript on the page. 8GB isn’t a lot but it shouldn’t cause these problems regardless of the webpage.
I closed that webpage, and haven't noticed that message on any other website.
Now, I keep getting a "this webpage is using significant memory, closing this website may make your Mac more responsive." ALL I have OPEN is Safari. Any ideas?
Could be a bogus message that wants you to download a 'booster' or "Clean Your Mac" app. If the JS doesn't get response back, it could be real, what is site, I'll test.

I just went to, Safari blocked 35 ad trackers and when I clicked on Battery, it said safari was using significant memory, but the site is an abomination, so that is probably why. Pretty normal for these days. after letting it sit on the site for a few.
These messages often occur on sites that use excessive tracking, usually consumer oriented. Apparently the ads and spyware are so aggressive the device has to fight them off by shutting down the site.
Could be a bogus message that wants you to download a 'booster' or "Clean Your Mac" app. If the JS doesn't get response back, it could be real, what is site, I'll test.

I just went to, Safari blocked 35 ad trackers and when I clicked on Battery, it said safari was using significant memory, but the site is an abomination, so that is probably why. Pretty normal for these days.
It's not a bogus message. This is a problem with Safari and certain addons. It's been known to leak memory.
The only site I get the very same message is for TV listings on site is trying to acquire too much info at one time.
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As long as it's nothing too serious, I'm not too worried about it. Thank you everyone for your input!
Now, I keep getting a "this webpage is using significant memory, closing this website may make your Mac more responsive." ALL I have OPEN is Safari. Any ideas?
It is a warning message they recently added to notify you when a site is using a lot of resources.
Probably a lot of ads and banners on the site, and perhaps videos that automatically start playing. You can ignore the message, or do something about it.

I use pi-hole (cheap raspberry pi running free pi-hole software) to fix this. It reduces web traffic while browsing by 40-80% depending on the site. Pi-hole is a DNS server that rejects request to know ad servers and spammers, aka shuts the pi-hole on the request.
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