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Ben J.

macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 29, 2019
I created a message and added maybe 30+ recipients, with a mix of phone numbers, some maybe outdated, emails etc, and I get the "message could not be sent" error after a while. The message contained a link to my .blogspot site. Tried again, same error?

The sms shows a "i" in messages, and it says "not sent". I know some of the recipient adresses are quite old, but I'm unsure if ANY of the recipients have the message or none? And how can I tell which adress/tlphnumber is causing the message not to be sent?
I think I found the problem.
My iphone had run out of power and had shut down.
After powering it up and entering sim code, messages on the mac no longer shows the "i" error. Of course, Messages on my mac uses my iphone to send sms. So I'm assuming that my 30-40 old friends have now recieved the link to all my old memories, photos, videos, and recordings. We'll see.
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