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macrumors regular
Original poster
Nov 17, 2015
Every time I start up my iPad Pro (after being powered off), I get a message asking me to verify (enter) my AppleID. This never happened with my previous iPads. I think that I may have skipped over something when setting it up.

Is there a way to have it "remember" my AppleID or at least stop this message from popping up?

It is either a bug or a new feature with the OS. Multiple threads on it. I seldom restart my iPad Pro but noticed the same on mine. Looks like a good security feature but they will likely fix it in an update.
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Just out of curiosity. Why do you guys power off your iPad pro? It's designed to stay on and in standby mode with almost no impact on battery life.
I also get the same message & need to enter my password. I hope it's a bug and not a new feature since I'm not a fan of it. BTW, the same is also happening on my iPad Air 2 now, also on iOS 9.1.
Just out of curiosity. Why do you guys power off your iPad pro? It's designed to stay on and in standby mode with almost no impact on battery life.

For me, I never power down an iOS device unless I'm having issues with it. Having said that, I've had to force a reboot on the iPad Pro after it has become unresponsive during overnight charging.

Looks like a bug in 9.1

I also get the having to enter my pin instead of touchid cause it's been over 48 hours, which is never the case.
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All my idevices require me to enter my password every 48 hours, irrespective of usage. I assumed this was some kind of deliberate change.

I wondered if it was to make sure people don't forget their password? It's very easy to not need it for long periods of time now. I have a recovery key set on my account, so I don't think Apple would be able to reset the password if I forgot it and had lost the recovery key?
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For me, I never power down an iOS device unless I'm having issues with it. Having said that, I've had to force a reboot on the iPad Pro after it has become unresponsive during overnight charging.

Mine happens all the time Josh. If I let the charge reach 100% it crashes and locks out. As you say the only way to wake is a cold reboot.
For me, I never power down an iOS device unless I'm having issues with it. Having said that, I've had to force a reboot on the iPad Pro after it has become unresponsive during overnight charging.


Ah I see. When I started using my iPad pro for the first time I set it up as a new device. Have you tried restoring it and doing the same?
Ah I see. When I started using my iPad pro for the first time I set it up as a new device. Have you tried restoring it and doing the same?
If you're talking of the charging issue where the Pro dies and you have to resort to a cold reboot to wake it then no, you should not have to set it up as a new device.
Apple know there is a problem, it is their instructions to carry out a cold reboot until it is fixed.
If you're talking of the charging issue where the Pro dies and you have to resort to a cold reboot to wake it then no, you should not have to set it up as a new device.
Apple know there is a problem, it is their instructions to carry out a cold reboot until it is fixed.

No I'm replying to the other poster who's having a different issue where it becomes unresponsive. However it doesn't hurt to try a restore and set up as new. Especially if you've restored this from a previous back up. Dispite what Apple instructions are, it doesn't hurt to try a restore.
I restored via iTunes backup and don't have the issue. Is it possible that only iCloud restores have the issue?
I'm wondering if it could be resolved by backing up to iTunes & then restoring from that backup rather than an iCloud one.
Edit: nevermind, I should read better. Apple ID not password. My apologies.

All my iOS devices require passcode to be entered every time they are powered off or the battery dies upon restart. It's been that way for at least the last two full iOS updates. My iPhone 5 was that way. My updated iPad 3 was that way. Now my iPhone 6 Plus and iPad pro are as well. If it's a bug it's been that way for a long time.

Macrumers even posted that it could be used if the police wanted you to unlock your phone/iPad. The police can use your figure print as DNA to unlock your device but not a password.

Maybe I'm missing what the OP was asking??
Every time I start up my iPad Pro (after being powered off), I get a message asking me to verify (enter) my AppleID. This never happened with my previous iPads. I think that I may have skipped over something when setting it up.

Is there a way to have it "remember" my AppleID or at least stop this message from popping up?

Haven't had that with my IPP yet but it has been happening with my iPhone and Air2. Might be an iOs thing.
Ah I see. When I started using my iPad pro for the first time I set it up as a new device. Have you tried restoring it and doing the same?

My iPad Pro was setup as a new device, not restored from a backup. My recharge problem resolved itself by enabling Hey Siri feature. I've not once had the unresponsive iPad Pro after recharging issue since.
My iPad Pro was setup as a new device, not restored from a backup. My recharge problem resolved itself by enabling Hey Siri feature. I've not once had the unresponsive iPad Pro after recharging issue since.
Yes, I have been monitoring mine this past few days and can also report that since enabling Siri (Settings/General/Siri Allow "Hey Siri") the Pro has not died on me once.
It would therefore appear to be some form of coding issue with Siri and not hardware which some believe it to be.
Yes, I have been monitoring mine this past few days and can also report that since enabling Siri (Settings/General/Siri Allow "Hey Siri") the Pro has not died on me once.
It would therefore appear to be some form of coding issue with Siri and not hardware which some believe it to be.

Yep, I don't believe it's a hardware issue. I've been using my iPad Pro with Hey Siri enabled now for a while and as I had said, have had no issues. Also, since I setup the Pro as a new device, I don't think the issue has anything to do with corrupt backups/restore issue.

Yep, I don't believe it's a hardware issue. I've been using my iPad Pro with Hey Siri enabled now for a while and as I had said, have had no issues. Also, since I setup the Pro as a new device, I don't think the issue has anything to do with corrupt backups/restore issue.

Concur Josh, nothing whatsoever to do with corrupt backups, doing restores or setting up as a new device.
You know that feeling you get when you hear a noise that makes you wince like metal scraping in a metal sink, well that's the same feeling I get when you are told to set up as new.
Concur Josh, nothing whatsoever to do with corrupt backups, doing restores or setting up as a new device.
You know that feeling you get when you hear a noise that makes you wince like metal scraping in a metal sink, well that's the same feeling I get when you are told to set up as new.

Agreed. Restore and setup as new is a common support solution. I was skeptical of the Hey Siri feature correcting this forzen state issue, but it did work for me. I'm actually rather surprised how long it has taken Apple to push out an update for affected users. Not everyone who uses Apple products visit the online forums like Macrumors, or are technical enough to troubleshoot their own issues. I would imagine those iPad Pro users would be very frusturated by now with now offical Apple resolution!
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