I have had my watch since launch day and just this past Sunday, after almost 2 months of daily wear, this happens! (See photo). I'm wondering if the metal on the band could be the culprit because one area is a perfect circle

. I'm allergic to nickel but you'd think I'd have reacted before now!
I forgot to take it off on Saturday night, so I'm hoping it was just the lack of break at night that caused it. I left it off all day yesterday, wiped the band down thoroughly, and tried again this morning- it was so uncomfortable by the time I got to work I had to put it on the other wrist. I'm going to see if it starts getting red there too- I may have to try the tape approach. I've also used clear nail polish on stuff in the past (I have had to do it on the buttons on my jeans) but I don't really want to do that to my $500 watch!
I'm hoping it's just something I touched (I'm in the process of moving to a new condo and going through all my stuff).
Anyone else have suggestions on how to avoid contact dermatitis? Besides taking it back that is lol- I LOVE my watch!