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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
I'm looking for a replacement battery for my Mid 2010 13" MacBook Pro. The prices seem to vary from $35 on up, so I need suggestions on which one to buy.
I would use iFixit
Thanks for the link. I see they have the 2012 rMBP battery and I may take the plunge on replacing that myself. Apple wants to charge me either 199 or 310 (not sure tbh) and it will also include a top case because of the gluing of the battery. I saw on YT a nice method of using nylon string to cut through the glue without risking damaging the old battery.

I may contact apple for a firmer price and then make my decision.
I bought many a 3rd party battery. Bottom line - you get what you pay for. I don't think $129 for a new Apple battery is worth it on that machine though. I recommend going to Amazon, and picking one of the 3rd party batteries that have 4 stars or more with AT LEAST 150 reviews. Anything 50 reviews or less are fake reviews. (Good rule of thumb for most Amazon listed items) Around $50-60 is what I'd guess you'd have to pay.
My last Apple battery on this very machine had a little explosion. When I got to the machine in the morning after it was on charge over night I noticed that the trackpad had come out of the top of the palm rest... I was a bit shocked.

On investigation a noticed the battery had expanded so much that it had blown the trackpad out of position.

Anyway, I removed the battery and remarkably the machine works fine now as long as its plugged in. I need something portable so I have just gone and bought a new machine instead of messing with repairs but it just shows be careful, if an official Apple battery can do that what could a cheap Chinese one do under the wrong conditions.
Ifixit is local to me, but they are a tad overpriced. If I could fine that same exact battery on Amazon, I'm sure it would be less expensive.
Last year I ended up buying a NewerTech battery from and all was good until recently when it stopped holding a charge for very long. It's outside of the warranty but MacSales was able to give me a discount on another NewerTech battery.

I did look into a battery from iFixit, but those are just rebranded batteries made in China. They don't make their own batteries, as the information leads you to believe.
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