I've been having a lot of issues with the WiFi connection on my mid-2020 iMac. It randomly disconnects, and I have to restart the whole iMac before I can reconnect to any WiFi. My GF has a 2017 iMac (on the same WiFi network) and doesn't have these problems. Once the WiFi disconnects I can't even connect to any other network, it's just like the AirPort card fails. Do any of you have these same issues?
Multiple network routers?
Not a cure, but does toggling wifi off/on help?
Rebooting router? Likely also temp fix.
I had years of dropped wifi connections.
Channel interference, would happen with iphone but not Android, or vis versa.
Rebooting modem and router helped but only for a week usually.
In the end, stopped having issues with Wifi6 router. Zero dropped connections - from BlackBerry to Samsung to Apple, Windows.
Windows was really having constantly having trouble maintaining wifi connection so i used Ethernet when possible.
At one point i reran coax and replaced a couple RJ45 cables one if which was causing trouble for the whole network.
I would turn off automatic channel selection and manually set it to the strongest and that isn't being used by other routers.
The articles on troubleshooting & wifi diagnostics sounds promising, and start the monitoring before you have a problem again.
I wouldn't rule out anything until tested, even a disk drive placement it seems.