Is $500 a good deal for the God of Displays? It was manufactured in 2010 and seems to be pristine. Seems a bit daft to use it with a 2001 Mac, but who ever bought one of these beautiful beasts for practicality?
Kind of two minded on this. I've never really been a fan of the aluminum displays. I thought they were cool until we actually got one (20") with the G5 at work and I started using it. They are nice displays of course, but I just don't care for the design.
I didn't care for the acrylic designs either up until I started using the aluminum display, which made me appreciate the acrylic ones.
So if I liked the aluminum displays I'd say $500 is a decent price for the immense screen real estate of those displays, but I don't like them so I'd not be inclined to pay that even though I have at least two video cards that could drive one.
That said, if you like them this is a monster of a display and would be very nice to have.
I would have to say that the later aluminum models probably have better clarity (sharpness) and fidelity (color accuracy). The early aluminum displays (of which the one at work is still functioning as a primary display) seemed to be of the same quality as the acrylic displays.From your experience, other than the different case design, do they produce images of the same quality?
I would have to say that the later aluminum models probably have better clarity (sharpness) and fidelity (color accuracy). The early aluminum displays (of which the one at work is still functioning as a primary display) seemed to be of the same quality as the acrylic displays.
However, the acrylic displays while not being as sharp (which is not to say they are in any way fuzzy or blurry, they aren't) seem to be richer in color (the color depth is deeper).
Yes, either model will do well. It's kind of the difference between good, better and best.I've been looking for one of these to upgrade my wife's setup. Thanks for the good information. Based on your comments, I'm sure either model will be just fine.
I just hope that the FireGL works for you in your DA...mine didn't, although I realize there is one seller on Ebay now who shows it working in it.
If not, the 9600 Pro can drive one 30" Cinema, although these are also hit or miss in the DA/QS. I have one that will sometimes work and sometimes not-I ended up taking it out and replacing with the 9600XT since I know it will always work(although I don't think it has a dual link port and thus can't run the 30" Cinema).
In any case, congratulations on buying the king of Apple displays . The 23" Acrylic Cinema display I'm viewing this message on bows its head in shame.