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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Oct 1, 2007
i installed usb overdrive and i am trying to see if the apple mouse (or mighty mouse as some know it) will work properly in os 9.2.2

i have tried several things and i can't get it to work. any other mouse i throw at the program works just fine, but not this blasted mouse. is there an extension or piece of software that can get this os x only mouse to work in 9?
I used to use TheMouse2B but it would often cause a frozen cursor on the Six Dollar eMac. Since then I use USB Overdrive ( which I've found supports more functionality and doesn't break as often.
Trust me, that was the first program i tried but usb overdrive wouldn't play nice with the mighty mouse. Hence why i resorted to find a different program. I could have used a different mouse altogether but i only have mini laptop mice kicking around right now and that wasn't a viable option for my MDD
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