I think you are mixing migrating with a restore. OP is asking about two different ways to migrate.
Even so, there is nothing special about what packages are installed. As long as the Macs are compatible with the OS X version, a full restore/clone will work fine.
my line about kext installs that are unique to the computer was meant to be a warning you shouldn't directly clone or remove a hard disk from one mac and stick it another mac, and instead you should use migration assistant or time machine to restore. one reason against mirroring that i can think of the top of my head would be the hidden apple diagnostic partition is unique to your specific computer.
when moving to a different mac you have the options of:
1) booting into recovery mode and restoring the time capsule directly
2) installing a fresh copy of os x and using migration assistant to import the time capsule
3) installing a fresh copy of os x and using migration assistant to import the other mac via cable
4) same as #3 but with the other mac's hard disk removed and in a external box
#3 might be the fastest way to move to a new mac, if both macs have SSD drives and are Thunderbolt
if i am moving to a different size drive on the SAME computer, i would just use super duper
if i was cloning a 2012 model onto a 2016 model, i don't think thats a good idea. but thats just me
the disk warrior boot cd is rumored to have multiple boot sectors for various mac models. and finding the correct boot sector takes a while. heh