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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 19, 2012
Hi all today i am wanting to move folders documents etc like Documents, Pictures, Videos, Music etc to my dropbox account. so i can access them from my other os and devices.

I want to store them in the dropbox folder, and to save space on hdd sym link them back to /home/username/

What I think i will need to do is

1. move the folders/files to the dropbox folder on mac osx,
2. Run dropbox sync
3. symlink the folders back to original place. (dont know how).

Thanks in advance for your help and ideas on this matter.


Staff member
Jan 23, 2005
I would do this the other way around. Leave all the folders where they are and symlink them to the Dropbox folder. Much easier.

Just use the app MacDropAny to make the symlinks for you and you are done.

I do this with my Documents folder only and it works perfectly.

Before you do this though, research the Dropbox forums a bit on the Pictures one. I think I recall reading something about Dropbox not handling the iPhoto library correctly.

You can make the symlinks in Terminal also if you want, but the app is easier.

For example, this Terminal command will symlink your Documents folder to Dropbox.

ln -s ~/Documents ~/Dropbox/Documents
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