So I bought a 256/16gb m1 Mac mini to replace an older 2017 iMac 5k with a 1tb fusion drive. Knowing the fusion drive is about 50% full and def would not fit on the internal storage of the mini, I purchased a 1tb ssd.
Is there a simple solution to restore from my time machine backup to the mini or am I going to basically have to start over and manually copy files from the old computer to new? Wouldn't mind if the 2 drives of the mini acted as 1 large one like the iMac to be honest.
Is there a simple solution to restore from my time machine backup to the mini or am I going to basically have to start over and manually copy files from the old computer to new? Wouldn't mind if the 2 drives of the mini acted as 1 large one like the iMac to be honest.