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macrumors 68020
Original poster
Sep 16, 2008
Allright, I love my Mother In Law, but she can't keep her passwords straight and I am not sure how to resolve her current issue.

Way back, when she got her first iPad, she created an Apple ID using her email address. With that ID, she purchased some apps and music.

A couple years ago, we got her an iPhone as well and a Mac Mini. To keep everything in the Apple ecosystem, we created an email address (and a second Apple ID for her) so she could use that as her primary email (and everything else). The devices were set up still so the App Store was linked the Comcast Apple ID and the email/contacts/calendar linked to the iCloud Apple ID.

A few months back, they moved from Chicago to Arizona. Setup still seemed ok. EXCEPT she somehow can't remember her Comcast Apple ID password. I think she changed it along the way and I have no record for it (I had a post it with all of her IDs/PWs just in case). Problem is, when we try to reset the password, it won't take her birthdate for some reason and can't send an email since they no longer have Comcast as their internet provider in AZ.

I did set her App Store up to reflect the newer iCloud Apple ID, figuring now that can be the only one she needs. However, the App Store updates keep asking for the password for the initial Comcast Apple ID. How can I get around this? Is there any other way to get the password set for that Comcast ID? Or transfer the purchases? All I have seen is to delete, say, Facebook from her iPhone, re-download it against the iCloud ID, and then have her log back into Facebook.

Thanks in advance for your help!
Are you positive her Comcast account has been wiped?

I'd try to login and see if you can still access her webmail. If you can then you can get the password reset.

If they haven't yet wiped the account it doesn't actually matter where she logs into the account.

If you do sort this out though, I'd strongly advise adding another email account to that Apple ID.

Your problem is the reason I switched my primary email address on my Apple ID from my ISP to a different email provider.
You should always have a file or a paper with your passwords and logins written down.
Nowadays I have saved over 2 dozen different site logins and to remember all of them what user ID you used and what password variation was entered is very very hard to remember.
Cause some sites let you use your email address as user ID, other sites make you pick an available user ID or make you included a capital letter, 1 number and 1 special character to the password etc...
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...2 dozen passwords. That's it? I have a Word document 12 pages long with passwords and login information. Keep it with me all the time (encrypted) on a flash drive. Really need to shorten it up.....
Thanks all for the comments. I actually keep an encrypted file for a number of her passwords. HOWEVER, I'm not always aware when she makes a change for some reason :/

For some reason, the first security question (her birth date) is not working. So stuck at the moment. May need to have her visit a Genius Bar in person. Phone support may be tricky for me :) And I doubt my voice will pass for a 73 year old woman.
Thanks all for the comments. I actually keep an encrypted file for a number of her passwords. HOWEVER, I'm not always aware when she makes a change for some reason :/

For some reason, the first security question (her birth date) is not working. So stuck at the moment. May need to have her visit a Genius Bar in person. Phone support may be tricky for me :) And I doubt my voice will pass for a 73 year old woman.
Contact Apple support
...2 dozen passwords. That's it? I have a Word document 12 pages long with passwords and login information. Keep it with me all the time (encrypted) on a flash drive. Really need to shorten it up.....

Lol :D 12 pages?
I hear you though, the more time goes by I'm sure my word document with passwords and login info will continue to grow.
Got it all fixed. She now has a GMAIL address for her logins that used to be Comcast. I asked her to please tell me anytime she changes her Apple passwords so I can update my list for her (I printed her a copy as well).
Good, I had a similar problem when I changed my email address for my Apple ID. It kept asking for my old email address. Found out I had to sign out of my old email address on Apple ID.
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