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Original poster
Sep 21, 2008
Please correct me if I am wrong but I just did the math. There are 54 different phone options available for the iPhone 6/6+ JUST for the 3 major carriers.

Verizon/AT&T/Sprint - 6 - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors)
Verizon/AT&T/Sprint - 6+ - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors)

18 per carrier, 54 in total. Just for the top 3 carriers.

The 5S has - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors).

9 per carrier, 27 in total. Just for the top 3 carriers.

So just in 5S, 6, 6+ iPhones - there are 81 variants.

I can't even fathom the 5C variants. Anyone want to help me out here finding out a grand total of iPhone variants of currently available models only?

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
I just ordered the Air 2 128gb with cellular and I noticed that it is not asking for which carrier which mean the SIM card will work for all of them!

That will save them from some variants

Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
When you say Air 2 with cellular, does this mean it has a phone chip capable of an iPhone? Or is the cellular feature for wi-fi on the go?

It means you can use AT&T data via it's cellular network. No phone.

I work in the field and can not get to WiFi. The LTE data is very fast via AT&T.


Everything except Verizon, I believe.

I am not so sure as there was not option for Verizon. the choices are WiFi or Wifi and Cellular. SO we might be seeing something new here.


macrumors 68020
Aug 15, 2011
Please correct me if I am wrong but I just did the math. There are 54 different phone options available for the iPhone 6/6+ JUST for the 3 major carriers.

Verizon/AT&T/Sprint - 6 - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors)
Verizon/AT&T/Sprint - 6+ - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors)

18 per carrier, 54 in total. Just for the top 3 carriers.

The 5S has - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors).

9 per carrier, 27 in total. Just for the top 3 carriers.

So just in 5S, 6, 6+ iPhones - there are 81 variants.

I can't even fathom the 5C variants. Anyone want to help me out here finding out a grand total of iPhone variants of currently available models only?

I'm not sure what your goals are but why bother counting the variants? Just get what you need. Let Apple and retailers worry about variants.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 26, 2010

Who *knew* Apple had so many SKU's for this model iPhone.

I'm VERY surprised by this.


macrumors G5
Jun 14, 2010
I am not so sure as there was not option for Verizon. the choices are WiFi or Wifi and Cellular. SO we might be seeing something new here.

Hardware should still be the same, just as it was on the Air. Apple's worked some leverage and gotten Sprint, TMO, & ATT on board with allowing use of a single SIM so the user can choose the carrier without changing the SIM.

My guess is Verizon simply didn't want to play ball on the new field.

I've been using my ipad retina mini on TMO's free 200MB plan for much of the past year. I've also tried AT&T's $25/1GB/90 day plan and it worked. I think it's originally a Verizon device, I don't remember exactly and would have to pull out the box to check. I don't use a whole lot of data when away from wifi and can tether to my phone on the few occasions I might use a lot of data. TMO's free 200MB deal has been great.

and just FYI, the iphone hardware is the same regardless of carrier, the difference is whose SIM is included.


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
Please correct me if I am wrong but I just did the math. There are 54 different phone options available for the iPhone 6/6+ JUST for the 3 major carriers.

Verizon/AT&T/Sprint - 6 - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors)
Verizon/AT&T/Sprint - 6+ - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors)

18 per carrier, 54 in total. Just for the top 3 carriers.

The 5S has - 9 models (3 sizes, 3 colors).

9 per carrier, 27 in total. Just for the top 3 carriers.

So just in 5S, 6, 6+ iPhones - there are 81 variants.

It's not THAT extreme. Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile share a common architecture with their iPhone models, so it's 9 variants for all three. The only difference is what SIM goes in the phone, and a software modification at the time of activation if the phone is SIM-locked.

For Sprint, US Cellular and other lower-tier US carriers (and many international carriers) there's a slightly different architecture that runs on a different set of LTE bands, that they share.

So it's really 18 variants of iPhone 6/Plus in total for AT&T/Verizon/T-Mobile, and 18 more variants for the other US lower-tier and International carriers. 36 total.

There's even further speculation that a baseband firmware is the only thing that differentiates the Sprint/International model from the Tier 1 US model. Depending on where the phone is supposed to go, a software file unlocks which LTE bands a particular phone will use. If that's true, then it really is only 18 variants universally.

I can't even fathom the 5C variants.

The situation for the 5C is roughly the same, just more colors, but only one size.

ET iPhone Home

macrumors 68040
Oct 5, 2011
Orange County, California USA
It means you can use AT&T data via it's cellular network. No phone.

I work in the field and can not get to WiFi. The LTE data is very fast via AT&T.


I am not so sure as there was not option for Verizon. the choices are WiFi or Wifi and Cellular. SO we might be seeing something new here.

Alright, thanks. The word, "cellular" confused me. I get the "data" (ATT, Verizon, Sprint) option versus only wi-fi of the iPad.


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
I just ordered the Air 2 128gb with cellular and I noticed that it is not asking for which carrier which mean the SIM card will work for all of them!

That will save them from some variants

Almost. Apparently Verizon isn't on board. If you want to get cell service with Verizon, you have to contact them and they'll set you up. Not sure if they will use the Apple SIM or give you one of theirs.

But otherwise yeah, it's one model for all carriers.


macrumors 601
Dec 18, 2012
Charlotte, NC
The 3 major carriers all use the same phone model. Sprint and the regional US carriers use different ones. So it's not really that many variants.
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