This possible? And can one use an app for this and with specific phone number? I have IPhone 6 plus, but prefer one device and am thinking of the Mini4.
No I think your iPhone has to be connected for it. My iPhone is connected to my mini 4 and when I receive a phone call, it says "incoming call from xxx on your iPhone."This possible? And can one use an app for this and with specific phone number? I have IPhone 6 plus, but prefer one device and am thinking of the Mini4.
I misplaced my phone a few days ago, and had an incoming. I answered it on my Mini 4. I was in a quiet room luckily and used it as a speaker phone. It worked quite well.This possible? And can one use an app for this and with specific phone number? I have IPhone 6 plus, but prefer one device and am thinking of the Mini4.
with wifi calling iOS 9 and os x el Capitan, you can use your ipad to place real cellular calls as long as you are in range of a wifi network, and if your carrier supports it.
I have IPhone 6 plus, but prefer one device
Yes, I was at home on wifi- also it's a cellular iPad but no, my phone was outside in my car in the garage. So I'm not sure what medium my iPad Mini 4 was using, but it worked like a champ.Were you at home on wifi, and was phone near?
So, is there something wrong in the background of this picture? I don't get itThe PadPhone...
Thanks. Looks like google hangouts and google voice are best choice? But what about picture messages (mms) and emergency 911 calls? I guess I would still have to carry my Iphone along with my Mini when away from home.
When using Google, does it work for over cellular and to people who don't have apple product?
I make a few calls a month, but do txt quite a bit. I wont mind placing mini to ear or using bluetooth earpiece. I want a bigger screen when I am home and away than my Iphone 6+
I dont plan to cancel my phone plan, as I would still want a way to contact 911
Not that I know of. I wish though,This possible? And can one use an app for this and with specific phone number? I have IPhone 6 plus, but prefer one device and am thinking of the Mini4.
Ok got ipad mini and have google voice and google hangout set up. But not getting some messages from iphone people? When on LTE. I get them on iphone