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macrumors 601
Original poster
May 29, 2005
Hi everyone!

Ah, the Mac of my dreams. The PowerBook G3. Still feel it's one of Apple's best to date. I had the wallstreet version as a kid, only to be thrown out once the hard drive went kaput and we didn't know what it meant. What a shame in hindsight!

The PowerBook G3 line holds immense sentimental value to me. It was my first Mac I could ever call truly my own, and it was where it all began for my Apple enthusiasm.

I found an incredibly lightly used PowerBook G3 Pismo 500 MHz with original power adapter, "working battery," and original DVD player on eBay. I got it for about $215. This PowerBook has a light scuff here and there, but it given it's 23 years old, it's in INCREDIBLE shape. I couldn't believe it when I opened it. The battery is not the original battery -- it was likely replaced in ~2005 or so with a non-OEM. I don't see any manufacturer on it, but certainly not an Apple Original. I don't really care - it looks like it could last 2-3 hours based on initial usage, possibly more. Can't believe it!

The Mac has Mac OS X 10.3.9 and Mac OS 9.2. It's got 512 MB memory and original 10gb HDD. Swapping the HDD for an SSD is the plan to give this a boost. It seems quite slow, even on OS 9.2, and I'm attributing it to the hard drive. Or, the fact that I'm typing this on a M1 MBP and I'm used to things being instantaneous 😂 No airport card, but given the challenge with accessing/viewing the internet on these old guys, I don't see much purpose.

My big question is: how do I take care of this old battery? It's got to be at least 18 years old (going to guess it was bought around 2005/2006 based on "last accessed"/"last opened" files on the current install on the Mac. The previous owner must have put very few cycles on it for it to be alive still. I would love to keep it alive as long as possible. I still can't believe I've stumbled across one working. Any thoughts? Any way for me to figure out how many cycles there are on this in Mac OS X 10.3? Not sure there's a coconut battery equivalent for that era, and there's no cycles listed in System Profiler.

I'm defaulting to Mac OS 9.2 right now as that's where the real sentimentality is. Might have to load it up with some software from the Macintosh Garden or something.

Had to share my excitement with a minority of Mac users, you - the PPC community!
I have an iBook Clamshell with a seemingly new battery – about 4-5 hours battery life without charge. I treasure this gem, as I'm sure you do with your Powerbook.

I think the standard advice is to just make sure you don't let it get to 0% or 100% too often. Measure its charges to about 90% max – but if you want to use it charger-free, why not charge to 100%, and then enjoy the battery. Just don't let it sit at 100 or 0% afterwards.

Ultimately, all batteries will degrade with time. If you become a hypochondriac about it, the experience of having it is just less fun.
Had to share my excitement with a minority of Mac users, you - the PPC community!
It is a very special Mac - I much regret selling mine.

with original power adapter
Beware that the original power adapter was subject to a recall due to it catching fire!!!!

I had one back in the day, must have been 2002-2003 and I called Apple and they sent me one of the Yo-Yo adopters with a free return shipping package so they could get the old one back and not have to replace it again if I sold it on eBay.

So try and check the model of power adapter you have and make sure you don't have a free fireplace in you house!!!!!!!

Beware that the original power adapter was subject to a recall due to it catching fire!!!!

I had one back in the day, must have been 2002-2003 and I called Apple and they sent me one of the Yo-Yo adopters with a free return shipping package so they could get the old one back and not have to replace it again if I sold it on eBay.

So try and check the model of power adapter you have and make sure you don't have a free fireplace in you house!!!!!!!

Yikes! It’s not the yo-yo kind. Thanks for letting me know.
Any thoughts on running Mac OS X Tiger 10.4 on a PPC G3 500MHz with 512MB RAM + SSD? Would I be better with Panther?
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Tiger is natively supported and runs great on the Pismo. It will go well with 512MB of RAM but 1GB would be even better if you want to look into upgrading that too.

The speed advantage of an SSD in the G3 (over a 5400rpm or 7200rpm HDD) really isn't very noticeable in my experience. But it will be better than an original spinner and completely silent.

And yes, much better than Panther when it comes to software options. There are many many OS X apps that require Tiger as a minimum.
Tiger is natively supported and runs great on the Pismo. It will go well with 512MB of RAM but 1GB would be even better if you want to look into upgrading that too.

Agree from personal experience here.

The speed advantage of an SSD in the G3 (over a 5400rpm or 7200rpm HDD) really isn't very noticeable in my experience. But it will be better than an original spinner and completely silent.

Totally disagree here. I've seen a noticeable boost with an SSD even in my 350Mhz iMac G3 - the access times when I watch films are superb. :D

And yes, much better than Panther when it comes to software options. There are many many OS X apps that require Tiger as a minimum.

Yeah, why use Panther if you are able to use Tiger? :)
I plopped an IDE to SATA enclosure with a 128gb SSD installed, and was able to format for Tiger and install it in only 20 minutes from DVD. That was fast! (I also told it to not install printer drivers and foreign languages, cutting down on transfer-from-DVD size)

Working like a charm!


Here she is. Does anyone else miss the Mac OS X welcome videos? Always were a delight for me, and very much appreciated seeing it again tonight.
The Pismo is probably my favorite laptop Mac of them all, just the utility of it is what makes it so cool. I got a similar one 2 years ago now, 500 MHz G3, original 18 GB HD, 1 GB of memory, running Tiger and it runs very nicely. The number of upgrades that can be done, the two bays, the ports on the back and the CardBus slot for extra utility (for example mine came with a 3-port FireWire CardBus hub), it's incredibly practical. (Also side note, I think the Macs introduced in 2000 are the most interesting mainly for their balance of performance and reliability, but that's a topic for another day 😂).
The Pismo is probably my favorite laptop Mac of them all, just the utility of it is what makes it so cool. I got a similar one 2 years ago now, 500 MHz G3, original 18 GB HD, 1 GB of memory, running Tiger and it runs very nicely. The number of upgrades that can be done, the two bays, the ports on the back and the CardBus slot for extra utility (for example mine came with a 3-port FireWire CardBus hub), it's incredibly practical. (Also side note, I think the Macs introduced in 2000 are the most interesting mainly for their balance of performance and reliability, but that's a topic for another day 😂).
Agreed. My only issue with the Pismo is the brittle plastics. The Clamshell lasts longer in general, but obviously suffers from worse specs, display resolution, expansion, upgrades, etc etc.
I enjoyed the Pismo back in the day, just the woeful 8 mb Rage chip was a let down.

Time moves on fast with laptops, a media bay for graphics would be cool, better than the wonky MXM solutions.
Good for you, sir! A Pismo was the first Mac that I actually purchased for myself (having used the earliest Macs at university the year they were introduced). This was 2006 or '07, it also came with a DVD drive and a Zip drive so well loaded, just had to bring it up to 1GB of RAM and add an Airport card. VERY much enjoyed it, so much superior to DOS laptops, and Winxx was so far behind OS X. Used first the modem, then Ethernet, when traveling. What an excellent design, so easy to work on the innards (unless you needed to change out the power input, which I did once). Ran Panther (glad I missed the days of extension conflicts on OS 9) on it, and it currently serves as my Tiger machine upstairs, while another runs OS 9.2 down in the computing cave as an AFP server for my NeXT boxes.

Ah the Pismo. In my opinion, one of - if not the - best laptops ever made by Apple. Mine is a prized possession, though its original battery now holds about 3 minutes charge! I would LOVE to find a replacement battery for it.
I have a MacBook G3 pismo 14.1 TFT/500/128/12GB/DVD/EN. It was running OS 9.2
It has the original yo yo power cable. The battery does not hold a charge, but runs great when plugged in. It is in very good condition (other than the battery), with only minor scratches on exterior. I have 3 other newer laptops and need to move this out. I hate to throw it away. Would anyone need it? Even if only for parts. Free to a good home. I would need to wipe my data off which I have never done. I’ll have to find out how to do that. That is one reason I have three older laptops and an old G5 tower.
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