If you're willing to continue your efforts, there are three more things we can try.
1.) At this point I recommend to boot your Mac into Safe Mode (press Shift during booting), after it has started up, just make a normal reboot. Check if the icon problem is solved by the Safe Mode booting as it is cleaning some caches.
2.) To go further, we can rebuild the Launch Services Database. This would have the side effect, that you'll get prompted every first time you double click on a specific file type and get asked, if you want to open the file with the corresponding application. To rebuild the Launch Services Database, enter this command in Terminal:
sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user
You can also do this with the correct version of Onyx (mentioned before) without using the Terminal. (In Onyx go to Maintenance -> Rebuilding -> uncheck everything except 'rebuild LaunchServices' and press Execute)
3.) As
@DeltaMac and
@ZapNZs were pointing out, you can get weird effects using two versions of Office on the same Mac, drive partition or at least on the same user account. However, if the icons are your only problem and nothing else lead to success, we could trick the old Office 2011 version by copying the new icon to the old version. I only recommend this patch, because Office 2011 will unlikely get further updates that would revert these changes.
To do this:
- navigate to your old Word version in the /Application/Microsoft Office 2011/ folder
- right click at the Word application and select 'Show package contens'
- open 'Contents' -> 'Resources' and find the file WXBN.icns
- right click WXBN.icns and select duplicate
- now open a new Finder window and navigate to Word 2016 and find the file WXBN.icns
- copy WXBN.icns from the 'Resources' folder of Word 2016 to the 'Resources' folder of Word 2011
- to make the change taking effect we need register the Launch Services Database entry for Word by running that command from Terminal:
sudo /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Versions/A/Support/lsregister -v -f /path/to/Word.app
Substitute /path/to/Word.app with the correct path to Word 2011, preferably by dragging the Application into Terminal.
If that workaround finally will give you the right icon, you could repeat it with various other icons for other Excel, Word or PowerPoint files as the procedure only changed the .docx icon. For Excel (.xlsx) the icon file XLSX.icns resides in Excel's 'Resources' folder, the PowerPoint (.pptx) icon you'll find in its 'Resources' folder named PPTX.icns. If you need to modify other document icons like .doc, .dot, .xls... you can look up the proper names for the icons in the info.plist file inside the 'Contents' folder of each Office application.