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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2015
Hi everyone, I have a problem as the following:

Every time I reboot the Mac, the Mission Control loses its layout: only 1 desktop remaining and all the windows of applications are on that desktop.

It's MacBook Pro 2016 15" and OS X 10.12.3. I used the Time Machine to recover my personal files when I got the new MacBook Pro. I tried to open another brand new admin account without any personal files, and there is no such problem for that account. It proves that it's not hardware problem. I think some personal files somehow affects the system.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated!
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macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2011
Baltimore, Maryland
Sounds like there could be some corruption in your User Account and/or you've got some software running that's not entirely compatible with Sierra. These are definitely two things that can occur with migrated systems/accounts.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 17, 2015
Sounds like there could be some corruption in your User Account and/or you've got some software running that's not entirely compatible with Sierra. These are definitely two things that can occur with migrated systems/accounts.

Thanks for the reply!~

I tried to turn off all the auto start apps in Login items, but it didn't solve the problem.
I know that the process controlling Mission Control is "Dock". But I didn't figure out which files in
"~/Library" is related to the problem.

Any suggestions for diagnosis?Thx~
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