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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

Mobile printing app Printer Pro, by developer Readdle, has been named by Apple as this week's App of the Week. Known for their knack at developing productivity-based apps, Readdle says Printer Pro will allow users to "print just about anything" from an iPhone or iPad.

Normally priced at $6.99, the app gives users the ability to print a wide array of documents - from pictures in the Photos app to documents found in iCloud or Mail - to any Wi-Fi or USB-enabled printer. Readdle also provides a free-to-download desktop utility for the service that helps users with USB printers through an initial set-up and allows everyone using it to "print more document types and with better quality."

The company notes that to print a Safari page, users can change "http" to "phttp" in the address bar and hit go, immediately bringing up the desired web page within the Printer Pro app. Most other apps, like Dropbox, Mail, and Readdle's own PDF Expert, allow for a more streamlined process of accessing the app from a third-party app's "Open In" list.

Once installed, Printer Pro appears in the "Open In..." list on your device. This lets you print documents from Mail, PDF Expert and many other applications on your iPad that supports this function.

Using "Open In..." approach you can print files from many popular online storages: Dropbox and Google Drive. It just a matter of several taps to download your file via free Dropbox or Google Drive application and send it to printer.
The app has garnered a 4 star rating on the App Store, with one review calling it "indispensable" and many others praising its ease-of-use and high quality. Relied on by "over 2 million people", according to Readdle, Printer Pro [Direct Link] will remain free as the App of the Week for the next week.

Article Link: Mobile Printing App 'Printer Pro' Named Apple's Free App of the Week


Mar 28, 2009
New Hampshire
does this add functionality to the print function already on iOS.. or does it just print with really no other options other then two sided like iOS


macrumors G3
Nov 26, 2007
does this add functionality to the print function already on iOS.. or does it just print with really no other options other then two sided like iOS

Sounds to me like it supports more printers.

I'm downloading even though I have no plans of ever using, just for in case.


macrumors 68020
Mar 17, 2013
Utah, USA
Installed and working with an old LaserJet1320. I had to install the desktop app to get it to work. I've yet to test it when my Mac is asleep. You print through the app so it's not the same as simply tapping on the print icon in the Share menu.

Edit to add: When my MBP is sleeping, and the computer is on, nothing prints. However, when I wake the MBP, the print jobs(s) complete. Remember, this is a ~20-year-old printer.
Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2008
St. Louis
I paid for the OLD "Printer Pro" app.

The developer pulled it, and put up this new "Printer Pro" app. Same icon and everything.

It looks like everyone that bought the last app will have to buy this app if they want updates.


macrumors 68040
Nov 13, 2011
In app purchases sold separately.

Oh gee thanks for that.

Beware the word GET


macrumors 65816
Apr 3, 2009
does this add functionality to the print function already on iOS.. or does it just print with really no other options other then two sided like iOS

Found my two Dell laser printers that are not AirPrint enabled (only Bonjour). The built in printing utility can't find them, but Printer Pro found them immediately! Neat!


macrumors 604
Mar 11, 2013
I bought this app a while ago and I could never get it to work right. It always messed up the margins for my Epson printer. I eventually just got an air print enabled printer during a sale.


Sometimes you have to. Like for mailing labels.

Or those old fashion professors that want a hardcopy turned in. I have a 30 page SWOT analysis due in a week and I have to print it out and fashion it together so he can read it poolside.


macrumors 6502a
Jul 27, 2012
WNY or Utica
I have an AirPrint printer now but can't print off of school WiFi, and still haven't been able to with this.

By the way everyone this is a great app, I've had it for about a year now and it's been rock solid reliable outside of my dorm.


macrumors member
Mar 21, 2011
Bought this recently in the hope that I'd be able to print to pdf on my iPad, and though you can get a pdf created, it's pretty clunky getting the pdf to somewhere else e.g. dropbox. I think I've got it now - but it's taken a number of steps to work out how to do it. It's a shame that the only 'copy' options for the pdf's that are created in printer pro is iCloud drive - which I'm not using.


macrumors 68030
Oct 2, 2007
I grabbed this and enjoy it. I have a couple other Readdle apps.

Good stuff.

Took a while to get things going and isn't as easy as an AirPrint Printer, but it works.


macrumors 6502
Jul 3, 2007
I would like a couples ore settings then the default baked in print app allows... Mainly being able to select black and white so when I print a page of text it doesn't use up my color ink! >_<


Feb 23, 2004
San Diego, CA, USA
Thanks for the mention guys! Let me know if you have any questions or comments.

When you print from Safari with this, will it actually use the current page state from the DOM, or does it just take the URL, load the page, and print that? In the former case, it'd be extremely useful for grabbing PDF "printed" images of receipts and such, that can't be done by the latter (where you instead get a login page or a blank form).

P.S. PDF expert is one of my favorite and most used apps - have hundreds of technical books in it, and love the full content search across all the books.
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