Hopefully someone can help with this in easy to understand terms, as my network knowledge is extremely limited. I got home this afternoon after we had a severe electrical storm. I usually try to unplug everything but didn't today. My Verizon DSL modem was flashing and my phone had no dial tone. When I unplugged the modem the phone worked. I decided the modem was probably dead. Fortunately I have another, an Actiontec GT 784. I had the wireless signal turned off on the dead router and have been using an Apple Time Capsule for wireless to my laptop. My desktop Mac Mini was connected via ethernet cable. I'm running the latest OS. Anyway I plugged the the modem in and it immediately started working wirelessly. However it won't connect with the Mac Mini through the ethernet cable. Network preferences tells me there is no cable connected. I swapped to a new cable but that didn't help. Is there something I need to do to get this setup? Or is it possible that the ethernet connection on my Mac got destroyed as well? I tried to open up the settings page for the modem, but ut won't open. I used the address that was posted online. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.