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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Dec 16, 2004
Maybe it is my imagination but when I fired up Mojave 10.14.1 with my Bluetooth headset connected . . . my headset volume was up by about 30% yet I know that I had not adjusted the headset or Mojave volume since running Sierra 10.13.6 . . .

Can some one test this please ?

It could be just my imagination . . .:p
maybe the level jumped up, just a quirk. the overall volume hasn't changed (on either of my macs). and no reason to think apple would 'boost' the levels, and (potentially) risk damaging the built-in speakers... am sure there's a careful optimization between a mac's maximum output level and the built-in speakers, so we aren't all running to the apple store with blown speakers.
You're probably right but really, the basic output level is too low with Bluetooth headphones if you want a long battery life.

Do you use BT phones or headsets ? If you do, does Boom 2 boost their volume output ?

I haven't tried Boom 2 yet but I did try Soundbooster Lite with the driver installed separately and in both installs as I was installing the driver in both Mojave 10.14.2 and High Sierra 10.13.6 I got a " Driver Installation Failed'.

in High Sierra after ( SoundBooster installation it was impossible to use my Bluetooth headsets - I had to uninstall SoundBooster & remove the headsets from Apple BT preferences and re-pair them. The only BT option in Soundbooster was to protect against volume over limit.
Bluetooth headset .jpg

Anyway, I replaced my headset's standard 250ish mAh batteries with 860 mAh ones and now that they run around 20 hours or more without a recharge I can wind the BT output to 100% = basic problem solved :)
Boom2 and similar software can absolutely blow your internal speakers, caution advised.
Thanks for the warning. I'll stick with 20+ hours between battery recharges and wind up my ( cheap but good ) BT headsets :D
i use boom2 as the default out on my 12" macbook; a little EQ, a slight volume boost. works great, makes the MB's decent speakers a little better. am not pushing up all the eq (like the bass) and cranking the volume, so need worry about blowing my speakers. any tool can be used wisely... or not.
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