Nowhereelse.fr noticed (Google translation) that a mobile phone repair shop has posted a new YouTube video showing what is claimed to be the LCD and digitizer for the next-generation iPhone, revealing a slightly taller form factor than that of the existing iPhone.
The part looks similar, but not identical, to photos of the same part posted in early February. The earlier photos showed a reflective surface just above the earpiece slot, while the new video shows a lack of such a physical feature. Conversely, the new video shows a small hole to the left of the earpiece slot that is presumed to be for a forward-facing camera. That hole was absent in the earlier set of photos.
As we've noted before, it is not unusual for Asian suppliers to offer parts for claimed future-generation iPhone and iPod products. While some appear to have been true leaks, many of the claims have turned out to be incorrect.
Article Link: More Claims of Taller Next-Generation iPhone Surface Alongside Video