Well, an app could have two buttons, for long and short morse, like a keyer.
Where would you want the code to be sent? Sounds like it wouldn't be all that hard to make an app like that.
You could use digital touch and draw long and short symbols with it (using the line drawing) I suppose.
For those that are still looking for a way to type in morse code on your Apple Watch, I just want to let you know about my app I just released today. Here's the App Store link, feel free to check out the app preview video too: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/morse-code-keys-type-in-morse/id1098434617?ls=1&mt=8I'm looking for an app that'll let me send/receive Morse Code on an Apple Watch. Is there such an app? If not, is there a way to suggest that one be made?
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