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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 13, 2012
Is there a way to move screenshots from the desktop to the Photos screenshot folder?

Currently trying to tinker with an automator script since the screenshot folder within Photos seems to only work with iOS devices and not OS X.

defaults write location ~/Pictures/Screenshots; killall SystemUIServer

adjust location path as needed
I don’t think so, I suspect that the screenshot folder is a fixed smart folder. You could make one yourself by setting the file name, kind and dimensions (i.e. screen resolution) as parameters and then create a folder action with Automator to import your screenshots to that album. You could do this by creating an “Automatically Add to Photos” folder in your pictures folder (like for iTunes) and attach the folder action to it. Then you simply use the command given by tedson and use that folder as your drop folder.
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