Hi hi, I cannot figure out how to move the Finder icon to the right, and I cannot get any of the icons on the dock to move to the left of it -- its impossible.
well how about not moving the Finder icon, but placing an icon to its left.
1. Restart your mac, press cmd+R as soon as screen turns black.Hi hi, I cannot figure out how to move the Finder icon to the right, and I cannot get any of the icons on the dock to move to the left of it -- its impossible.
It's time-consuming, sure, but it's possible.Hi hi, I cannot figure out how to move the Finder icon to the right, and I cannot get any of the icons on the dock to move to the left of it -- its impossible.
1. Restart your mac, press cmd+R as soon as screen turns black.
2. Once you are in macOS utilities mode, go to terminal and type everything here: csrutil disable
3. Restart you mac again. Log in.
4. Go to finder>Macintosh HD>System>Core Services.
5. Locate Finder.app.
6. Copy Finder.app to Applications.
7. Remove the first Finder.app from Core Services by dragging it to Trash.
8. Empty trash.
Bonus: want to change the Finder icon? Copy the image you want from the Internet, then ctrl+click Finder.app in Applications then click Get Info. Click the icon on the top left side of the window that opens so it has an outline, type cmd+V, then the icon will change without your password!
It's time-consuming, sure, but it's possible.