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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 18, 2015
Can anyone find it? It's not showing up anywhere.

The video from iMore shows the Movie Trailer app, when they flick through the menus.
That's a shame. They had a trailer app on ATV3 (non-US).
As noted above it is there. It's just different in that the apple tv now works like the iphone or ipad. Not all apps are auto loaded. Some are in the app store.
Succesfully managed to download it from the US Store with my US account, and keep it in my region, with my local account :)
Succesfully managed to download it from the US Store with my US account, and keep it in my region, with my local account :)
How did you do this as having a US account also requires having a US based address and US credit card. Perhaps I am just missing an easy way to do this?
i loved the trailers app on my atv 3. now i don't have it and can't find it in the app store (Canada). it's frustrating, especially since the screenshots of it look so nice :(
How did you do this as having a US account also requires having a US based address and US credit card. Perhaps I am just missing an easy way to do this?

No you don't :)
The trick is you have to get the App Store to ask you to create an account, rather than you 'signing up' if that makes sense.
Go to the U.S. Store on any machine. Do not be signed in.
Find a free app and hit 'get'.
It will now ask you to sign in or create an account.
Create an account (different email address required obviously).
Only doing it this way will the option for 'no payment' be available when you get to that part of the sign up.
For the address, Google any hotel you like ;-)

That's it, your all set, if you want paid apps, simply buy U.S. iTunes gift cards off fleabay and load them to your account.


Went and got a load of apps from the U.S. Store yesterday. There are loads more available.
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